- 基本 Objective-C
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- Objective-C - 变量
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- Objective-C - 运算符
- Objective-C - 循环
- Objective-C - 决策
- Objective-C - 函数
- Objective-C - 块
- Objective-C - 数字
- Objective-C - 数组
- Objective-C - 指针
- Objective-C - 字符串
- Objective-C - 结构
- Objective-C - 预处理器
- Objective-C - Typedef
- Objective-C - 类型转换
- Objective-C - 日志处理
- Objective-C - 错误处理
- 命令行参数
- 高级 Objective-C
- Objective-C - 类和对象
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- Objective-C - 类别
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Objective-C 中按值调用函数
默认情况下,Objective-C 编程语言使用按值调用方法来传递参数。一般来说,这意味着函数内的代码无法更改用于调用该函数的参数。考虑函数swap()定义如下 -
/* function definition to swap the values */ - (void)swap:(int)num1 andNum2:(int)num2 { int temp; temp = num1; /* save the value of num1 */ num1 = num2; /* put num2 into num1 */ num2 = temp; /* put temp into num2 */ return; }
现在,让我们通过传递实际值来调用函数swap(),如下例所示 -
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface SampleClass:NSObject /* method declaration */ - (void)swap:(int)num1 andNum2:(int)num2; @end @implementation SampleClass - (void)swap:(int)num1 andNum2:(int)num2 { int temp; temp = num1; /* save the value of num1 */ num1 = num2; /* put num2 into num1 */ num2 = temp; /* put temp into num2 */ } @end int main () { /* local variable definition */ int a = 100; int b = 200; SampleClass *sampleClass = [[SampleClass alloc]init]; NSLog(@"Before swap, value of a : %d\n", a ); NSLog(@"Before swap, value of b : %d\n", b ); /* calling a function to swap the values */ [sampleClass swap:a andNum2:b]; NSLog(@"After swap, value of a : %d\n", a ); NSLog(@"After swap, value of b : %d\n", b ); return 0; }
让我们编译并执行它,它将产生以下结果 -
2013-09-09 12:12:42.011 demo[13488] Before swap, value of a : 100 2013-09-09 12:12:42.011 demo[13488] Before swap, value of b : 200 2013-09-09 12:12:42.011 demo[13488] After swap, value of a : 100 2013-09-09 12:12:42.011 demo[13488] After swap, value of b : 200