- 厨师教程
- 厨师 - 主页
- 厨师 - 概述
- 厨师 - 建筑
- Chef - 版本控制系统设置
- 厨师 - 工作站设置
- Chef - 客户端设置
- 厨师 - 测试厨房设置
- 厨师 - 刀具设置
- 厨师 - 独奏设置
- 厨师 - 食谱
- Chef - 食谱依赖项
- 厨师 - 角色
- 厨师 - 环境
- Chef - Chef-Client 作为守护进程
- 厨师 - Chef-Shell
- 厨师 - 测试食谱
- 厨师 - 美食评论家
- 厨师 - ChefSpec
- 使用测试厨房测试食谱
- 厨师 - 节点
- 厨师 - 厨师-客户运行
- 高级厨师
- 动态配置菜谱
- 厨师 - 模板
- Chef - 带有 Chef DSL 的纯 Ruby
- 厨师 - 红宝石宝石与食谱
- 厨师 - 图书馆
- 厨师 - 定义
- Chef - 环境变量
- 厨师 - 数据袋
- Chef - 数据包脚本
- Chef - 跨平台食谱
- 厨师 - 资源
- 轻量级资源提供者
- 厨师 - 蓝图
- Chef - 文件和包
- 厨师 - 社区食谱
- 厨师有用的资源
- 厨师 - 快速指南
- 厨师 - 有用的资源
- 厨师 - 讨论
Chef - Community Cookbooks
Community cookbooks are similar to any other cookbook. The only reason it is called community cookbook is because anyone who knows to write cookbooks can join this community and upload their cookbooks to the centralized hub. These cookbooks are available for free and anyone can download and use it. In order to use these community cookbooks, one needs to download them, modify them as per the requirement, and upload them to their respective Chef server.
One needs to have knife configured on their system in order to update, upload, and download the cookbooks. Interact with cookbooks using the knife cookbook commands. With knife cookbook, you can create, delete, show, list, download, and upload cookbooks. Read the knife cookbook commands documentation for more information in Chapter 7.
Following is the link of community cookbooks: https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooksdirectory