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Jython - 对话框
Dialog 对象是出现在用户与之交互的基本窗口顶部的窗口。在本章中,我们将看到 swing 库中定义的预配置对话框。它们是MessageDialog、ConfirmDialog和InputDialog。它们由于 JOptionPane 类的静态方法而可用。
在下面的示例中,文件菜单有三个 JMenu 项,分别对应上述三个对话框;每个都执行OnClick事件处理程序。
file = JMenu("File") msgbtn = JMenuItem("Message",actionPerformed = OnClick) conbtn = JMenuItem("Confirm",actionPerformed = OnClick) inputbtn = JMenuItem("Input",actionPerformed = OnClick) file.add(msgbtn) file.add(conbtn) file.add(inputbtn)
OnClick() 处理函数检索菜单项按钮的标题并调用相应的 showXXXDialog() 方法。
def OnClick(event): str = event.getActionCommand() if str == 'Message': JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"this is a sample message dialog") if str == "Input": x = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame,"Enter your name") txt.setText(x) if str == "Confirm": s = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (frame, "Do you want to continue?") if s == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: txt.setText("YES") if s == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: txt.setText("NO") if s == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: txt.setText("CANCEL")
如果选择菜单中的消息选项,则会弹出一条消息。如果单击“输入”选项,则会弹出一个要求输入的对话框。输入的文本随后将显示在 JFrame 窗口的文本框中。如果选择“确认”选项,则会出现一个包含三个按钮的对话框:“是”、“否”和“取消”。用户的选择记录在文本框中。
完整代码如下 -
from javax.swing import JFrame, JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem, JTextField from java.awt import BorderLayout from javax.swing import JOptionPane frame = JFrame("Dialog example") frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) frame.setLocation(100,100) frame.setSize(400,300) frame.setLayout(BorderLayout()) def OnClick(event): str = event.getActionCommand() if str == 'Message': JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"this is a sample message dialog") if str == "Input": x = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame,"Enter your name") txt.setText(x) if str == "Confirm": s = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (frame, "Do you want to continue?") if s == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: txt.setText("YES") if s == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: txt.setText("NO") if s == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: txt.setText("CANCEL") bar = JMenuBar() frame.setJMenuBar(bar) file = JMenu("File") msgbtn = JMenuItem("Message",actionPerformed = OnClick) conbtn = JMenuItem("Confirm",actionPerformed = OnClick) inputbtn = JMenuItem("Input",actionPerformed = OnClick) file.add(msgbtn) file.add(conbtn) file.add(inputbtn) bar.add(file) txt = JTextField(10) frame.add(txt, BorderLayout.SOUTH) frame.setVisible(True)
执行上述脚本时,将显示以下窗口,菜单中包含三个选项 -


