- Next.js 教程
- Next.js - 主页
- Next.js - 概述
- Next.js - 环境设置
- Next.js 特点
- Next.js - 页面
- Next.js - 静态文件服务
- Next.js - 元数据
- Next.js - CSS 支持
- Next.js - 全球 CSS 支持
- Next.js - 预渲染
- Next.js 路由
- Next.js - 路由
- Next.js - 动态 API 路由
- Next.js - 命令式路由
- Next.js - 浅层路由
- Next.js API 路由
- Next.js - API 路由
- Next.js - API 中间件
- Next.js - 响应助手
- Next.js 其他
- Next.js - 打字稿
- Next.js - 环境变量
- Next.js - 部署
- Next.js - CLI
- Next.js 有用资源
- Next.js - 快速指南
- Next.js - 有用的资源
- Next.js - 讨论
Next.js - CLI
NEXT.JS 提供 CLI 来启动、构建和导出应用程序。可以使用从 npm 5.2 开始的 npx 来调用它。
CLI 帮助
要获取 CLI 命令列表及其帮助,请键入以下命令。
npx next -h Usage $ next <command> Available commands build, start, export, dev, telemetry Options --version, -v Version number --help, -h Displays this message For more information run a command with the --help flag $ next build --help
npx next build info - Loaded env from D:\Node\nextjs\.env.local Creating an optimized production build Compiled successfully. Automatically optimizing pages Page Size First Load JS + ? / 2.25 kB 60.3 kB + /_app 288 B 58.1 kB + /404 3.25 kB 61.3 kB + ? /api/user + ? /posts/[id] 312 B 61.6 kB + + /posts/one + + /posts/two + ? /posts/env 2.71 kB 60.8 kB + ? /posts/first 374 B 61.7 kB + First Load JS shared by all 58.1 kB + static/pages/_app.js 288 B + chunks/ab55cb957ceed242a750c37a082143fb9d2f0cdf.a1a019.js 10.5 kB + chunks/framework.c6faae.js 40 kB + runtime/main.60464f.js 6.54 kB + runtime/webpack.c21266.js 746 B + css/9706b5b8ed8e82c0fba0.css 175 B ? (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) ? (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)
npx next dev ready - started server on http://localhost:3000 info - Loaded env from D:\Node\nextjs\.env.local event - compiled successfully
npx next start info - Loaded env from \Node\nextjs\.env.local ready - started server on http://localhost:3000