- Passay教程
- Passay - 主页
- Passay - 概述
- Passay - 环境设置
- 验证/生成
- Passay - 密码验证
- Passay - 定制消息
- Passay - N 条规则中的 M 条
- Passay - 密码生成
- 正向匹配规则
- Passay -AllowedCharacterRule
- Passay -AllowedRegexRule
- Passay-字符规则
- Passay - 长度规则
- Passay-CharacterCharacteristicsRule
- Passay - 长度复杂性规则
- 否定匹配规则
- Passay - lllegalCharacterRule
- Passay - NumberRangeRule
- Passay - 空白规则
- Passay - DictionaryRule
- Passay - DictionarySubstringRule
- Passay - 历史规则
- Passay - RepeatCharacterRegexRule
- Passay - 用户名规则
- Passay有用资源
- Passay - 快速指南
- Passay - 资源
- Passay - 讨论
Passay - 快速指南
Passay - 概述
Passay是一个基于 Java 的密码生成和验证库。它提供了全面的功能列表以验证/生成密码,并且具有高度可配置性。
Passay API 有 3 个核心组件。
规则- 定义密码策略规则集的一个或多个规则。
PasswordValidator - 一个验证器组件,根据给定的规则集验证密码。
PasswordGenerator - 生成密码以满足给定规则集的生成器组件。
规则是密码验证和生成的基础块。有两大类规则 -
以下是 Passay 库提供的一些功能。
密码验证Passay 库通过根据可配置的规则集验证密码来帮助实施密码策略。它针对常见用例拥有一组丰富的现有规则。对于其他情况,它提供了一个简单的 Rule 接口来实现自定义规则。
密码生成- 它提供了一个可配置的规则集,也可用于生成密码。
命令行工具- 它提供了自动执行密码策略的工具。
方便- 易于使用。
可扩展- 所有 Passay 组件都是可扩展的。
支持国际化- Passay 组件已做好国际化准备。
Passay - 环境设置
如果您仍然愿意为 Java 编程语言设置环境,那么本节将指导您如何在计算机上下载和设置 Java。请按照以下步骤设置环境。
Java SE 可以通过下载 Java链接免费获得。因此,您可以根据您的操作系统下载一个版本。
按照说明下载 Java 并运行 .exe以在您的计算机上安装 Java。在计算机上安装 Java 后,您需要设置环境变量以指向正确的安装目录 -
设置 Windows 2000/XP 的路径
我们假设您已将 Java 安装在c:\Program Files\java\jdk目录中 -
现在,更改“Path”变量,使其也包含 Java 可执行文件的路径。例如,如果路径当前设置为“C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32”,则将路径更改为“C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32;c:\Program Files\java\jdk\bin”。
设置 Windows 95/98/ME 的路径
我们假设您已将 Java 安装在c:\Program Files\java\jdk目录中 -
编辑 'C:\autoexec.bat' 文件并在末尾添加以下行 - 'SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\java\jdk\bin'
设置 Linux、UNIX、Solaris、FreeBSD 的路径
应将环境变量 PATH 设置为指向 Java 二进制文件的安装位置。如果您在执行此操作时遇到问题,请参阅您的 shell 文档。
例如,如果您使用 bash 作为 shell,那么您可以将以下行添加到“.bashrc:export PATH=/path/to/java:$PATH”的末尾
流行的 Java 编辑器
要编写 Java 程序,您需要一个文本编辑器。市场上有许多复杂的 IDE。但现在,您可以考虑以下其中一项 -
记事本- 在 Windows 计算机上,您可以使用任何简单的文本编辑器,例如记事本(本教程推荐)、TextPad。
Netbeans - 它是一个开源且免费的 Java IDE,可以从https://www.netbeans.org/index.html下载。
Eclipse - 它也是由 eclipse 开源社区开发的 Java IDE,可以从https://www.eclipse.org/下载。
从Maven 存储库下载最新版本的 Passay jar 文件- 。在本教程中,下载 passay-1.6.1.jar 并将其复制到 C:\> passay 文件夹中。
操作系统 | 档案名称 |
Windows | Passay-1.6.1.jar |
Linux | Passay-1.6.1.jar |
苹果 | Passay-1.6.1.jar |
将PASSAY环境变量设置为指向计算机上存储 Passay jar 的基本目录位置。假设我们在各种操作系统上的 Passay 文件夹中提取了 passay-1.6.1.jar,如下所示。
操作系统 | 输出 |
Windows | 将环境变量 PASSAY 设置为 C:\Passay |
Linux | 导出 PASSAY=/usr/local/Passay |
苹果 | 导出 PASSAY=/库/Passay |
将CLASSPATH环境变量设置为指向 Passay jar 位置。假设您已将 passay-1.6.1.jar 存储在各种操作系统上的 Passay 文件夹中,如下所示。
操作系统 | 输出 |
Windows | 设置环境变量CLASSPATH为%CLASSPATH%;%Passay%\passay-1.6.1.jar;.; |
Linux | 导出 CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$PASSAY/passay-1.6.1.jar:. |
苹果 | 导出 CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$PASSAY/passay-1.6.1.jar:. |
Passay - 密码验证
密码长度应在 8 到 16 个字符之间。
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>(); //Rule 1: Password length should be in between //8 and 16 characters rules.add(new LengthRule(8, 16)); //Rule 2: No whitespace allowed rules.add(new WhitespaceRule()); //Rule 3.a: At least one Upper-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); //Rule 3.b: At least one Lower-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); //Rule 3.c: At least one digit rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); //Rule 3.d: At least one special character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rules); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("Microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Password validated.
Passay - 定制消息
Passay 库提供了 MessageResolver API 来覆盖验证器使用的默认消息。它可以采用自定义属性文件的路径并使用标准键来覆盖所需的消息。
下面的示例显示了密码验证并显示使用 Passay 库的自定义消息。
INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE=Password missing at least %1$s uppercase characters.
import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.MessageResolver; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.PropertiesMessageResolver; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>(); rules.add(new LengthRule(8, 16)); rules.add(new WhitespaceRule()); rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream("E:/Test/messages.properties")); MessageResolver resolver = new PropertiesMessageResolver(props); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(resolver, rules); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password missing at least 1 uppercase characters.]
Passay - N 条规则中的 M 条
很多时候,密码策略要求遵守给定规则中的最低规则,例如密码必须符合至少 M of N 规则。考虑以下政策。
密码长度应在 8 到 16 个字符之间。
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import org.passay.CharacterCharacteristicsRule; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { //Rule 1: Password length should be in between //8 and 16 characters Rule rule1 = new LengthRule(8, 16); //Rule 2: No whitespace allowed Rule rule2 = new WhitespaceRule(); CharacterCharacteristicsRule rule3 = new CharacterCharacteristicsRule(); //M - Mandatory characters count rule3.setNumberOfCharacteristics(3); //Rule 3.a: One Upper-case character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); //Rule 3.b: One Lower-case character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); //Rule 3.c: One digit rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); //Rule 3.d: One special character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule1, rule2, rule3); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Password validated.
Passay - 密码生成
PasswordGenerator有助于使用给定策略生成密码。考虑以下政策 -
密码长度应为 8 个字符。
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略生成密码。
import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.PasswordGenerator; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { CharacterRule alphabets = new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Alphabetical); CharacterRule digits = new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit); CharacterRule special = new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special); PasswordGenerator passwordGenerator = new PasswordGenerator(); String password = passwordGenerator.generatePassword(8, alphabets, digits, special); System.out.println(password); } }
Passay -AllowedCharacterRule
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import org.passay.AllowedCharacterRule; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Password should contains only a, b and c Rule rule1 = new AllowedCharacterRule(new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c'}); //8 and 16 characters Rule rule2 = new LengthRule(8, 16); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule1, rule2); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("abcabcab1"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password contains the illegal character '1'.]
Passay -AllowedRegexRule
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import org.passay.AllowedRegexRule; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Password should contains alphabets only Rule rule1 = new AllowedRegexRule("^[A-Za-z]+$"); //8 and 16 characters Rule rule2 = new LengthRule(8, 16); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule1, rule2); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password must match pattern '^[A-Za-z]+$'.]
Passay - 字符规则
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>(); //Rule 1: Password length should be in between //8 and 16 characters rules.add(new LengthRule(8, 16)); //Rule 2: No whitespace allowed rules.add(new WhitespaceRule()); //Rule 3.a: At least one Upper-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); //Rule 3.b: At least one Lower-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); //Rule 3.c: At least one digit rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); //Rule 3.d: At least one special character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rules); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("Microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Password validated.
Passay - 长度规则
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>(); //Rule 1: Password length should be in between //8 and 16 characters rules.add(new LengthRule(8, 16)); //Rule 2: No whitespace allowed rules.add(new WhitespaceRule()); //Rule 3.a: At least one Upper-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); //Rule 3.b: At least one Lower-case character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); //Rule 3.c: At least one digit rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); //Rule 3.d: At least one special character rules.add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rules); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("Microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Password validated.
CharacterCharacteristicsRule有助于定义密码是否满足给定的 N 个定义的规则。
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import org.passay.CharacterCharacteristicsRule; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { //Rule 1: Password length should be in between //8 and 16 characters Rule rule1 = new LengthRule(8, 16); //Rule 2: No whitespace allowed Rule rule2 = new WhitespaceRule(); CharacterCharacteristicsRule rule3 = new CharacterCharacteristicsRule(); //M - Mandatory characters count rule3.setNumberOfCharacteristics(3); //Rule 3.a: One Upper-case character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1)); //Rule 3.b: One Lower-case character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1)); //Rule 3.c: One digit rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1)); //Rule 3.d: One special character rule3.getRules().add(new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1)); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule1, rule2, rule3); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("microsoft@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Password validated.
Passay - 长度复杂性规则
如果密码长度在 1 到 5 个字符之间,则仅允许使用小写字母。
如果密码长度在 6 到 8 个字符之间,则只允许使用 a、b 和 c。
下面的示例显示了使用 Passay 库根据上述策略验证密码。
import org.passay.AllowedCharacterRule; import org.passay.CharacterRule; import org.passay.EnglishCharacterData; import org.passay.LengthComplexityRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { LengthComplexityRule lengthComplexityRule = new LengthComplexityRule(); //Rule: Password of 1 to 5 characters should contains lower case alphabets only lengthComplexityRule.addRules("[1,5]", new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 5)); //8 and 16 characters lengthComplexityRule.addRules("[6,8]", new AllowedCharacterRule(new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' })); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(lengthComplexityRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("abcdef"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [ Password contains the illegal character 'd'., Password contains the illegal character 'e'., Password contains the illegal character 'f'., Password meets 0 complexity rules, but 1 are required.]
Passay - IllegalCharacterRule
import org.passay.IllegalCharacterRule; import org.passay.NumberRangeRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Special characters like &, <, > are not allowed in a password IllegalCharacterRule illegalCharacterRule = new IllegalCharacterRule(new char[] {'&', '<', '>'}); //Rule: 1 to 5 numbers are not allowed NumberRangeRule numberRangeRule = new NumberRangeRule(1, 5); //Rule: White spaces are not allowed WhitespaceRule whitespaceRule = new WhitespaceRule(); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(illegalCharacterRule,numberRangeRule,whitespaceRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("abc&4d ef6"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [ Password contains the illegal character '&'., Password contains the number '4'., Password contains a whitespace character.]
Passay - NumberRangeRule
import org.passay.IllegalCharacterRule; import org.passay.NumberRangeRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Special characters like &, <, > are not allowed in a password IllegalCharacterRule illegalCharacterRule = new IllegalCharacterRule(new char[] {'&', '<', '>'}); //Rule: 1 to 5 numbers are not allowed NumberRangeRule numberRangeRule = new NumberRangeRule(1, 5); //Rule: White spaces are not allowed WhitespaceRule whitespaceRule = new WhitespaceRule(); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(illegalCharacterRule,numberRangeRule,whitespaceRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("abc&4d ef6"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [ Password contains the illegal character '&'., Password contains the number '4'., Password contains a whitespace character.]
Passay - 空白规则
import org.passay.IllegalCharacterRule; import org.passay.NumberRangeRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.WhitespaceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Special characters like &, <, > are not allowed in a password IllegalCharacterRule illegalCharacterRule = new IllegalCharacterRule(new char[] {'&', '<', '>'}); //Rule: 1 to 5 numbers are not allowed NumberRangeRule numberRangeRule = new NumberRangeRule(1, 5); //Rule: White spaces are not allowed WhitespaceRule whitespaceRule = new WhitespaceRule(); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(illegalCharacterRule,numberRangeRule,whitespaceRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("abc&4d ef6"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [ Password contains the illegal character '&'., Password contains the number '4'., Password contains a whitespace character.]
Passay - DictionaryRule
import org.passay.DictionaryRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.dictionary.ArrayWordList; import org.passay.dictionary.WordListDictionary; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { WordListDictionary wordListDictionary = new WordListDictionary( new ArrayWordList(new String[] { "password", "username" })); DictionaryRule dictionaryRule = new DictionaryRule(wordListDictionary); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(dictionaryRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("password"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password contains the dictionary word 'password'.]
Passay - DictionarySubstringRule
import org.passay.DictionarySubstringRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.dictionary.ArrayWordList; import org.passay.dictionary.WordListDictionary; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { WordListDictionary wordListDictionary = new WordListDictionary( new ArrayWordList(new String[] { "password", "username" })); DictionarySubstringRule dictionaryRule = new DictionarySubstringRule(wordListDictionary); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(dictionaryRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("password@123"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password contains the dictionary word 'password'.]
Passay - 历史规则
import org.passay.HistoryRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.SourceRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { SourceRule sourceRule = new SourceRule(); HistoryRule historyRule = new HistoryRule(); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(sourceRule, historyRule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("password@123"); password.setPasswordReferences( new PasswordData.SourceReference("source", "password"), new PasswordData.HistoricalReference("password@123") ); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password matches one of 1 previous passwords.]
Passay - RepeatCharacterRegexRule
RepeatCharacterRegexRule允许检查给定的密码是否具有重复的 ascii 字符。考虑以下示例。
import org.passay.LengthRule; import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.RepeatCharacterRegexRule; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Password should not contain repeated entries Rule rule1 = new RepeatCharacterRegexRule(3); //8 and 16 characters Rule rule2 = new LengthRule(8, 16); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule1, rule2); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("aaefhehhhhh"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password matches the illegal pattern 'hhh'.]
Passay - 用户名规则
import org.passay.PasswordData; import org.passay.PasswordValidator; import org.passay.Rule; import org.passay.RuleResult; import org.passay.UsernameRule; public class PassayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //Rule: Password should not contain user-name Rule rule = new UsernameRule(); PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(rule); PasswordData password = new PasswordData("microsoft"); password.setUsername("micro"); RuleResult result = validator.validate(password); if(result.isValid()){ System.out.println("Password validated."); }else{ System.out.println("Invalid Password: " + validator.getMessages(result)); } } }
Invalid Password: [Password contains the user id 'micro'.]