- 文件系统模块
- PhantomJS - 属性
- PhantomJS - 方法
- 系统模块
- PhantomJS - 属性
- 网络服务器模块
- PhantomJS - 属性
- PhantomJS - 方法
- 各种各样的
- 命令行界面
- PhantomJS - 屏幕截图
- PhantomJS - 页面自动化
- PhantomJS - 网络监控
- PhantomJS - 测试
- PhantomJS-REPL
- PhantomJS - 示例
- PhantomJS 有用资源
- PhantomJS - 快速指南
- PhantomJS - 有用的资源
- PhantomJS - 讨论
PhantomJS - 测试
PhantomJS有很多针对网页的 API,其中提供了所有详细信息。PhantomJS可用于测试,如获取页面内容、截取屏幕共享、将页面转换为pdf等。市场上有很多流行的测试库,可以与PhantomJS配合使用进行测试。
一些可以与 PhantomJS 一起使用的流行框架如下:
- 摩卡
- 茉莉花
- 昆特
- 弘
- 莱卡
- 巴斯特.JS
- 网络驱动程序
示例 – PhantomJS 与 Qunit
(function () { var url, timeout,args = require('system').args, page = require('webpage').create(); url = args[1]; timeout = parseInt(10, 10); page.onConsoleMessage = function (msg) { //prints all the console messages console.log(msg); }; page.onInitialized = function () { // called when page is initialized page.evaluate(callqunit); }; page.onCallback = function (message) { // called from var result, failed; if (message) { if (message.name === 'QUnit.done') { result = message.data; failed = !result || !result.total || result.failed; if (!result.total) { console.error('No tests were executed'); } pageexit(failed ? 1 : 0); } } }; page.open(url, function (status) { // opening page if (status !== 'success') { console.error('Unable to access network: ' + status); pageexit(1); } else { var checkqunit = page.evaluate(function () { //evaluating page and chcking if qunit object is present on the given page url return (typeof QUnit === 'undefined' || !QUnit); }); if (checkqunit) { console.error('Qunit scripts are not present on the page'); pageexit(1); } //timeout of 10seconds is used otherwise message from console will get printed. setTimeout(function () { console.error('The specified timeout of ' + timeout + ' seconds has expired. Aborting...'); pageexit(1); }, timeout * 1000); } }); function callqunit() {
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset = "utf-8"> <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width"> <title>QUnit Example</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.3.2.css"> </head> <body> <div id = "qunit"></div> <div id = "qunit-fixture"></div> <script src = "https://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-2.3.2.js"></script> </body> </html>
命令- phantomjs qunit.js http://localhost/tasks/qunit.html
{"passed":3,"failed":2,"total":5,"runtime":23} Time taken is 23ms to run 5 tests. 3 passed, 2 failed.