Verbal Ability Punctuations Online Quiz
Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Punctuations. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Q 1 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - Their friend's apartment is in one of the town's posh locations.
B - Their friends' apartment is in one of the towns posh locations'.
C - Their friends' apartment is in one of the towns' posh locations.
D - Their friends' apartment is in one of the town's posh locations.
Answer : D
Noun + ’s is used to describe possession and ownership. Plural nouns will have the following structure — nouns + s’
Q 2 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - This town's coastline is vital for trade.
B - This towns' coastline is vital for trade.
Answer : A
Noun + ’s is used to describe possession and ownership. Plural nouns will have the following structure — nouns + s'
Q 3 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - These countries have a lot in common; Italy, India and Brazil.
B - These countries have a lot in common: Italy, India and Brazil.
C - These countries have a lot in common: Italy, India and Brazil.
D - These countries have a lot in common Italy, India and Brazil.
Answer : B
‘:’ is used to start a list, however, the part of the sentence to the left of the colon is not dependent for complete meaning on the part of the sentence to the right of the colon, as there are only items listed to the right.
Q 4 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - He loves tropical climate: Brazil, India, and Italy are his favorite holiday spots.
B - He loves tropical climate Brazil, India, and Italy are his favorite holiday spots.
C - He loves tropical climate Brazil, India, and Italy are his favorite holiday spots.
D - He loves tropical climate; Brazil, India, and Italy are his favorite holiday spots.
Answer : D
';' is used to get a pause slightly longer than what ',' gives.
Q 5 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - My favorite breakfast is: corn flakes, milk and fruit juice.
B - These constitute my favorite breakfast: corn flakes, milk and fruit juice.
C - My favorite breakfast is: corn flakes, milk and fruit juice.
D - These are my favorite breakfast is: corn flakes milk and fruit juice.
Answer : B
‘:’ is used to start a list, however, the part of the sentence to the left of the colon is not dependent for complete meaning on the part of the sentence to the right of the colon, as there are only items listed to the right.
Q 6 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - Give me: toast, eggs, cheese and juice.
B - I love: toast, eggs, cheese and juice.
C - I love a huge breakfast: toast, eggs, cheese and juice.
D - Bring me a huge breakfast: toast, eggs, cheese and juice.
Answer : C
‘:’ is used to start a list, however, the part of the sentence to the left of the colon is not dependent for complete meaning on the part of the sentence to the right of the colon, as there are only items listed to the right.
Q 7 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - Kabi hates household chores- he prefers someone else to do it.
B - Kabi hates household chores - too much like office work.
C - Kabi hates household chores- it makes him sick.
D - Kabi hates household chores- the wallpaper in her house is peeling.
Answer : B
"-" is used as an additional part to the sentence, i.e., to provide more information in support or in relation to the main sentence.
Q 8 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - Jospeh is a caring lad- humble and kind.
B - Jospeh is a caring lad-a gentle kid.
C - Jospeh is a caring lad- he brings me flowers.
D - Jospeh is a caring lad-I think he will become somebody for sure.
Answer : C
"-" is used as an additional part to the sentence, i.e., to provide more information in support or in relation to the main sentence.
Q 9 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - I hate spinach, so I never eat it.
B - I hate spinach so, I never eat it.
Answer : A
‘,’ is used to list down names, to differentiate between two or more sentences, and to get pauses shorter than ‘;’
Q 10 - Select the correctly punctuated sentence
A - Given the hostile Weather conditions it is surprising that the holiday was so enjoyable.
B - Given the hostile Weather conditions it is surprising that the holiday was so enjoyable.
C - Given the hostile weather conditions, it is surprising that the holiday was so enjoyable.
D - Given, the hostile Weather conditions, it is surprising that the holiday was so enjoyable.
Answer : C
‘,’ is used to list down names, to differentiate between two or more sentences, and to get pauses shorter than ‘;’