- Apache Presto Tutorial
- Apache Presto - Home
- Apache Presto - Overview
- Apache Presto - Architecture
- Apache Presto - Installation
- Apache Presto - Configuration
- Apache Presto - Administration
- Apache Presto - SQL Operations
- Apache Presto - SQL Functions
- Apache Presto - MySQL Connector
- Apache Presto - JMX Connector
- Apache Presto - HIVE Connector
- Apache Presto - KAFKA Connector
- Apache Presto - JDBC Interface
- Custom Function Application
- Apache Presto Useful Resources
- Apache Presto - Quick Guide
- Apache Presto - Useful Resources
- Apache Presto - Discussion
Discuss Apache Presto
JApache Presto is an open source distributed SQL engine. Presto originated at Facebook for data analytics needs and later was open sourced. Now, Teradata joins Presto community and offers support.
Apache Presto is very useful for performing queries even petabytes of data. Extensible architecture and storage plugin interfaces are very easy to interact with other file systems. Most of today’s best industrial companies are adopting Presto for its interactive speeds and low latency performance.
This tutorial explores Presto architecture, configuration, and storage plugins. It discusses the basic and advanced queries and finally concludes with real-time examples.