
本章将讨论 Bootstrap 的滚动间谍。当您滚动页面时,Bootstrap scrollspy 会自动定位导航栏内容。


当具有锚点href引用的id的元素滚动到视图中时,scrollspy 可以与navlist group一起使用,也可以与当前页面中的任何锚点元素一起使用。这是它的工作原理。

  • 为了利用scrollspy,您应该有两个东西,即导航、列表组或一组简单的链接,以及可滚动容器,例如<body>或具有特定高度overflow-y:scroll的自定义元素。

  • 向scrollspy容器添加属性data-bs-spy="scroll"data-bs-target="#navId",其中“navId”是指相应导航的唯一ID 。如果容器没有任何可聚焦元素,请包含tabindex="0"以保证键盘可访问性。

  • 当您在“sied”容器内滚动时,导航中的锚链接将添加或删除.active类。如果链接的id目标无法解析,它们将被忽略。例如,<a href="#home">home</a>应该有一个相应的<div id="home"></div>

  • 不可见元素部分,仅考虑和定位可见元素。





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      <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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      <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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      <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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      <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
      <h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
      <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>


Scrollspy 支持嵌套.nav并在其父级处于.active时使其处于.active状态。滚动导航栏时查看活动类的变化。



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              <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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              <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>


Scrollspy 支持.list-group。当您滚动到列表组附近时,请查看活动类别的变化。



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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
          <h4 id="features">Features</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. </p>


Scrollspy 适用于所有<a>锚元素,不限于导航元素和列表组。



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          <h4 id="home">Home</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
          <h4 id="services">Services</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
          <h4 id="aboutus">About us</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
          <h4 id="features">Features</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>


不可见元素将被忽略,并且它们相应的导航项将不会被分配 .active。在不可见包装器中初始化的 Scrollspy 实例会忽略所有目标元素。如果包装器变得可见,请使用刷新方法。这有助于检查可观察的元素。


  document.querySelectorAll('#nav-tab>[data-bs-toggle="tab"]').forEach(el => {
    el.addEventListener('', () => {
      const target = el.getAttribute('data-bs-target')
      const scrollElem = document.querySelector(`${target} [data-bs-spy="scroll"]`)



data-bs-spy="scroll"添加到要监视的元素(通常是<body>),以快速将滚动监视Behave添加到顶栏导航。然后,使用“data-bs-target”属性指定任何 Bootstrap .nav组件的父元素的 id 或类名称。



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           <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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           <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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           <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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           <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
           <h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
           <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>


  • 要在顶栏导航上启用滚动监视Behave,请将data-bs-spy="scroll"添加到所需元素(通常是<body>标记)。

  • <script>标签内,使用“navbarJavaScript”等标识符或类将滚动间谍应用到组件。



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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
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          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
          <h4 id="scrollspyFifthTitle">Features</h4>
          <p>Bootstrap Scrollspy targets the navigation bar contents automatically on scrolling the area. Scrollspy works with nav and list group.</p>
        const scrollSpy = new bootstrap.ScrollSpy(document.body, {
          target: '#navbarJavaScript'


可以通过数据属性或 JavaScript 提供选项

  • 要将选项名称添加到data-bs-,如data-bs-animation={value}中所示,请使用数据属性或 JavaScript。如果使用数据属性,请使用“kebab-case”而不是“camelCase”作为选项名称。例如,使用data-bs-custom-class="beautifier"而不是data-bs-custom-class="beautifier"

  • Bootstrap 5.2.0 添加了一个名为data-bs-config属性的新功能,用于将基本组件配置存储为 JSON 字符串。如果一个元素同时具有data-bs-config和单独的 data 属性,则单独的 data 属性的值优先于data-bs-config中的值。甚至,现有的数据属性也可以存储 JSON 值。

  • data-bs-configdata-bs-和 js 对象组合起来创建最终的配置对象,其中最新的键值会覆盖所有其他对象。

CSS 属性

该表描述了 ScrollSpy 插件的属性及其相应的值。

姓名 类型 默认 描述



0 像素 0 像素 -25%

计算滚动位置时,Intersection Observer rootMargin有效单位。




当用户单击引用 ScrollSpy 可观察量的链接时,启用平滑滚动。


字符串、DOM 元素


指定要应用 Scrollspy 插件的元素。




