- Euphoria Tutorial
- Euphoria - Home
- Euphoria - Overview
- Euphoria - Environment
- Euphoria - Basic Syntax
- Euphoria - Variables
- Euphoria - Constants
- Euphoria - Data Types
- Euphoria - Operators
- Euphoria - Branching
- Euphoria - Loop Types
- Euphoria - Flow Control
- Euphoria - Short Circuit
- Euphoria - Sequences
- Euphoria - Date & Time
- Euphoria - Procedures
- Euphoria - Functions
- Euphoria - Files I/O
- Euphoria Useful Resources
- Euphoria - Quick Guide
- Euphoria - Library Routines
- Euphoria - Useful Resources
- Euphoria - Discussion
Euphoria - for 语句
for 语句设置一个具有自己的循环变量的特殊循环。循环变量从指定的初始值开始,然后递增或递减至指定的最终值。
当您知道任务需要重复的确切次数时,for 循环非常有用。
for 循环的语法如下 -
for "initial value" to "last value" by "inremental value" do -- Statements to be executed. end for
初始值、最后值和增量必须都是原子。如果未指定增量,则假定为 +1。
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui for a = 1 to 6 do printf(1, "value of a %d\n", a) end for
这会产生以下结果 -
value of a 1 value of a 2 value of a 3 value of a 4 value of a 5 value of a 6
这是另一个具有增量值的示例 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui for a = 1.0 to 6.0 by 0.5 do printf(1, "value of a %f\n", a) end for
这会产生以下结果 -
value of a 1.000000 value of a 1.500000 value of a 2.000000 value of a 2.500000 value of a 3.000000 value of a 3.500000 value of a 4.000000 value of a 4.500000 value of a 5.000000 value of a 5.500000 value of a 6.000000