- Euphoria Tutorial
- Euphoria - Home
- Euphoria - Overview
- Euphoria - Environment
- Euphoria - Basic Syntax
- Euphoria - Variables
- Euphoria - Constants
- Euphoria - Data Types
- Euphoria - Operators
- Euphoria - Branching
- Euphoria - Loop Types
- Euphoria - Flow Control
- Euphoria - Short Circuit
- Euphoria - Sequences
- Euphoria - Date & Time
- Euphoria - Procedures
- Euphoria - Functions
- Euphoria - Files I/O
- Euphoria Useful Resources
- Euphoria - Quick Guide
- Euphoria - Library Routines
- Euphoria - Useful Resources
- Euphoria - Discussion
欣快感 - 序列
序列由大括号 { } 中的对象列表表示,并用逗号分隔。序列可以包含Atomics和其他序列。例如 -
{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} {1, 2, {3, 3, 3}, 4, {5, {6}}} {{"Zara", "Ayan"}, 52389, 97.25} {} -- the 0-element sequence
可以通过在方括号中给出元素编号来选择序列的单个元素。元素编号从 1 开始。
例如,如果 x 包含 {5, 7.2, 9, 0.5, 13},则 x[2] 为 7.2。
假设 x[2] 包含 {11,22,33},现在如果你要求 x[2],你会得到 {11,22,33},如果你要求 x[2][3],你会得到Atomics 33 。
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x x = {1, 2, 3, 4} for a = 1 to length(x) do printf(1, "value of x[%d] = %d\n", {a, x[a]}) end for
这里,length() 是返回序列长度的内置函数。上面的例子产生以下结果 -
value of x[1] = 1 value of x[2] = 2 value of x[3] = 3 value of x[4] = 4
字符串只是一个字符序列。可以通过两种方式之一输入 -
(a) 使用双引号 -
(b) 使用原始字符串表示法 -
-- Using back-quotes `ABCDEFG` or -- Using three double-quotes """ABCDEFG"""
您可以尝试以下示例来理解这个概念 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x x = "ABCD" for a = 1 to length(x) do printf(1, "value of x[%d] = %s\n", {a, x[a]}) end for
这会产生以下结果 -
value of x[1] = A value of x[2] = B value of x[3] = C value of x[4] = D
可以使用序列实现字符串数组,如下所示 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x = {"Hello", "World", "Euphoria", "", "Last One"} for a = 1 to length(x) do printf(1, "value of x[%d] = %s\n", {a, x[a]}) end for
这会产生以下结果 -
value of x[1] = Hello value of x[2] = World value of x[3] = Euphoria value of x[4] = value of x[5] = Last One
可以使用序列来实现结构,如下所示 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence employee = { {"John","Smith"}, 45000, 27, 185.5 } printf(1, "First Name = %s, Last Name = %s\n", {employee[1][1],employee[1][2]} )
这会产生以下结果 -
First Name = John, Last Name = Smith
有多种可以直接对序列执行的操作。让我们详细看看它们 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x x = -{1, 2, 3, 4} for a = 1 to length(x) do printf(1, "value of x[%d] = %d\n", {a, x[a]}) end for
这会产生以下结果 -
value of x[1] = -1 value of x[2] = -2 value of x[3] = -3 value of x[4] = -4
几乎所有算术运算都可以在序列上执行,如下所示 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x, y, a, b, c x = {1, 2, 3} y = {10, 20, 30} a = x + y puts(1, "Value of a = {") for i = 1 to length(a) do printf(1, "%d,", a[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n") b = x - y puts(1, "Value of b = {") for i = 1 to length(a) do printf(1, "%d,", b[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n") c = x * 3 puts(1, "Value of c = {") for i = 1 to length(c) do printf(1, "%d,", c[i]) end for puts(1, "}\n")
这会产生以下结果 -
Value of a = {11,22,33,} Value of b = {-9,-18,-27,} Value of c = {3,6,9,}
用户可以将命令行选项传递给 Euphoria 脚本,并且可以使用command_line()函数将其作为序列进行访问,如下所示 -
#!/home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui sequence x x = command_line() printf(1, "Interpeter Name: %s\n", {x[1]} ) printf(1, "Script Name: %s\n", {x[2]} ) printf(1, "First Argument: %s\n", {x[3]}) printf(1, "Second Argument: %s\n", {x[4]})
这里printf()是 Euphoria 的内置函数。现在,如果您按如下方式运行此脚本 -
$eui test.ex "one" "two"
这会产生以下结果 -
Interpeter Name: /home/euphoria-4.0b2/bin/eui Script Name: test.ex First Argument: one Second Argument: two