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Puppet 类被定义为资源的集合,这些资源被分组在一起以便使目标节点或机器处于所需的状态。这些类在位于 Puppet 模块内的 Puppet 清单文件中定义。使用类的主要目的是减少任何清单文件或任何其他 Puppet 代码中的相同代码重复。
以下是 Puppet 类的示例。
[root@puppetmaster manifests]# cat site.pp class f3backup ( $backup_home = '/backup', $backup_server = 'default', $myname = $::fqdn, $ensure = 'directory', ) { include '::f3backup::common' if ( $myname == '' or $myname == undef ) { fail('myname must not be empty') } @@file { "${backup_home}/f3backup/${myname}": # To support 'absent', though force will be needed ensure => $ensure, owner => 'backup', group => 'backup', mode => '0644', tag => "f3backup-${backup_server}", } }
[root@puppetmaster manifests]# cat site.pp node 'Brcleprod001','Brcleprod002' { user { 'vipin': ensure => present, uid => '101', shell => '/bin/bash', home => '/home/homer', } }
class vipin_g01063908 { user { 'g01063908': ensure => present, uid => '101', shell => '/bin/bash', home => '/home/g01063908', } } node 'Brcleprod001' { class {vipin_g01063908:} } node 'Brcleprod002' { class {vipin_g01063908:} }
需要注意的一点是类结构的样子以及我们如何使用 class 关键字添加新资源。Puppet 中的每种语法都有自己的特点。因此,选择的语法取决于条件。
如上面的示例所示,我们已经了解了如何创建类并将其包含在节点中。现在有些情况我们需要在每个节点上有不同的配置,例如需要在每个节点上有不同的用户使用相同的类。Puppet 中使用参数化类提供此功能。新类的配置将如以下示例所示。
[root@puppetmaster ~]# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp class user_account ($username){ user { $username: ensure => present, uid => '101', shell => '/bin/bash', home => "/home/$username", } } node 'Brcleprod002' { class { user_account: username => "G01063908", } } node 'Brcleprod002' { class {user_account: username => "G01063909", } }
当我们在节点上应用上述 site.pp 清单时,每个节点的输出将如下所示。
[root@puppetagent1 ~]# puppet agent --test Info: Retrieving pluginfacts Info: Retrieving plugin Info: Caching catalog for puppetagent1.testing.dyndns.org Info: Applying configuration version '1419452655' Notice: /Stage[main]/User_account/User[homer]/ensure: created Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.15 seconds [root@brcleprod001 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep "vipin" G01063908:x:101:501::/home/G01063909:/bin/bash
[root@Brcleprod002 ~]# puppet agent --test Info: Retrieving pluginfacts Info: Retrieving plugin Info: Caching catalog for puppetagent2.testing.dyndns.org Info: Applying configuration version '1419452725' Notice: /Stage[main]/User_account/User[bart]/ensure: created Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.19 seconds [root@puppetagent2 ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep "varsha" G01063909:x:101:501::/home/G01063909:/bin/bash
[root@puppetmaster ~]# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp class user_account ($username = ‘g01063908'){ user { $username: ensure => present, uid => '101', shell => '/bin/bash', home => "/home/$username", } } node 'Brcleprod001' { class {user_account:} } node 'Brcleprod002' { class {user_account: username => "g01063909", } }