Lua - 关系运算符
下表列出了Lua语言支持的所有关系运算符。假设变量A为 10,变量B为 20,则 -
操作员 | 描述 | 例子 |
== | 检查两个操作数的值是否相等,如果相等则条件为真。 | (A == B) 不正确。 |
〜= | 检查两个操作数的值是否相等,如果值不相等则条件成立。 | (A ~= B) 为真。 |
> | 检查左操作数的值是否大于右操作数的值,如果是,则条件为真。 | (A > B) 不正确。 |
< | 检查左操作数的值是否小于右操作数的值,如果是,则条件为真。 | (A < B) 为真。 |
>= | 检查左操作数的值是否大于或等于右操作数的值,如果是,则条件为真。 | (A >= B) 不正确。 |
<= | 检查左操作数的值是否小于或等于右操作数的值,如果是,则条件为真。 | (A <= B) 为真。 |
尝试以下示例来了解 Lua 编程语言中可用的所有关系运算符 -
a = 21 b = 10 if( a == b ) then print("Line 1 - a is equal to b" ) else print("Line 1 - a is not equal to b" ) end if( a ~= b ) then print("Line 2 - a is not equal to b" ) else print("Line 2 - a is equal to b" ) end if ( a < b ) then print("Line 3 - a is less than b" ) else print("Line 3 - a is not less than b" ) end if ( a > b ) then print("Line 4 - a is greater than b" ) else print("Line 5 - a is not greater than b" ) end -- Lets change value of a and b a = 5 b = 20 if ( a <= b ) then print("Line 5 - a is either less than or equal to b" ) end if ( b >= a ) then print("Line 6 - b is either greater than or equal to b" ) end
当您构建并执行上述程序时,它会产生以下结果 -
Line 1 - a is not equal to b Line 2 - a is not equal to b Line 3 - a is not less than b Line 4 - a is greater than b Line 5 - a is either less than or equal to b Line 6 - b is either greater than or equal to b