
- Python-文本处理
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- Python - 文本处理环境
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- Python - 二进制 ASCII 转换
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- Python - 过滤重复单词
- Python - 从文本中提取电子邮件
- Python - 从文本中提取 URL
- Python - 漂亮的打印
- Python - 文本处理状态机
- Python - 大写和翻译
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- Python - 同义词和反义词
- Python - 文本翻译
- Python-单词替换
- Python-拼写检查
- Python - WordNet 接口
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- Python - 标记单词
- Python - 块和缝隙
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- Python - 处理 PDF
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- Python - 读取 RSS 提要
- Python-情感分析
- Python - 搜索和匹配
- Python - 文本修改
- Python-文本换行
- Python-频率分布
- Python-文本摘要
- Python - 词干算法
- Python - 约束搜索
pip install parawrap
import parawrap text = "In late summer 1945, guests are gathered for the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone's daughter Connie (Talia Shire) and Carlo Rizzi (Gianni Russo). Vito (Marlon Brando), the head of the Corleone Mafia family, is known to friends and associates as Godfather. He and Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), the Corleone family lawyer, are hearing requests for favors because, according to Italian tradition, no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day. One of the men who asks the Don for a favor is Amerigo Bonasera, a successful mortician and acquaintance of the Don, whose daughter was brutally beaten by two young men because she refused their advances; the men received minimal punishment from the presiding judge. The Don is disappointed in Bonasera, who'd avoided most contact with the Don due to Corleone's nefarious business dealings. The Don's wife is godmother to Bonasera's shamed daughter, a relationship the Don uses to extract new loyalty from the undertaker. The Don agrees to have his men punish the young men responsible (in a non-lethal manner) in return for future service if necessary." print parawrap.wrap(text)
当我们运行上面的程序时,我们得到以下输出 -
['In late summer 1945, guests are gathered for the wedding reception of', "Don Vito Corleone's daughter Connie (Talia Shire) and Carlo Rizzi", '(Gianni Russo). Vito (Marlon Brando), the head of the Corleone Mafia', 'family, is known to friends and associates as Godfather. He and Tom', 'Hagen (Robert Duvall), the Corleone family lawyer, are hearing', 'requests for favors because, according to Italian tradition, no', "Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day. One of", 'the men who asks the Don for a favor is Amerigo Bonasera, a successful', 'mortician and acquaintance of the Don, whose daughter was brutally', 'beaten by two young men because she refused their advances; the men', 'received minimal punishment from the presiding judge. The Don is', "disappointed in Bonasera, who'd avoided most contact with the Don due", "to Corleone's nefarious business dealings. The Don's wife is godmother", "to Bonasera's shamed daughter, a relationship the Don uses to extract", 'new loyalty from the undertaker. The Don agrees to have his men punish', 'the young men responsible (in a non-lethal manner) in return for', 'future service if necessary.']
import parawrap text = "In late summer 1945, guests are gathered for the wedding reception of Don Vito Corleone's daughter Connie (Talia Shire) and Carlo Rizzi (Gianni Russo). Vito (Marlon Brando), the head of the Corleone Mafia family, is known to friends and associates as Godfather. He and Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), the Corleone family lawyer, are hearing requests for favors because, according to Italian tradition, no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day. One of the men who asks the Don for a favor is Amerigo Bonasera, a successful mortician and acquaintance of the Don, whose daughter was brutally beaten by two young men because she refused their advances; the men received minimal punishment from the presiding judge. The Don is disappointed in Bonasera, who'd avoided most contact with the Don due to Corleone's nefarious business dealings. The Don's wife is godmother to Bonasera's shamed daughter, a relationship the Don uses to extract new loyalty from the undertaker. The Don agrees to have his men punish the young men responsible (in a non-lethal manner) in return for future service if necessary." print parawrap.wrap(text,5)
当我们运行上面的程序时,我们得到以下输出 -
['In', 'late ', 'summe', 'r', '1945,', 'guest', 's are', 'gathe', 'red', 'for', 'the w', 'eddin', 'g rec', 'eptio', 'n of', 'Don', 'Vito ', 'Corle', "one's", 'daugh', 'ter C', 'onnie', '(Tali', 'a Shi', 're)', 'and', 'Carlo', 'Rizzi', '(Gian', 'ni Ru', 'sso).', 'Vito ', '(Marl', 'on Br', 'ando)', ', the', 'head', 'of', 'the C', 'orleo', 'ne', 'Mafia', 'famil', 'y, is', 'known', 'to fr', 'iends', 'and a', 'ssoci', 'ates', 'as Go', 'dfath', 'er.', 'He', 'and', 'Tom', 'Hagen', '(Robe', 'rt Du', 'vall)', ', the', 'Corle', 'one f', 'amily', 'lawye', 'r,', 'are h', 'earin', 'g req', 'uests', 'for f', 'avors', 'becau', 'se, a', 'ccord', 'ing', 'to It', 'alian', 'tradi', 'tion,', 'no Si', 'cilia', 'n can', 'refus', 'e a r', 'eques', 't on', 'his d', 'aught', "er's ", 'weddi', 'ng', 'day.', 'One', 'of', 'the', 'men', 'who', 'asks', 'the', 'Don', 'for a', 'favor', 'is Am', 'erigo', 'Bonas', 'era,', 'a suc', 'cessf', 'ul mo', 'rtici', 'an', 'and a', 'cquai', 'ntanc', 'e of', 'the', 'Don,', 'whose', 'daugh', 'ter', 'was b', 'rutal', 'ly be', 'aten', 'by', 'two', 'young', 'men b', 'ecaus', 'e she', 'refus', 'ed', 'their', 'advan', 'ces;', 'the', 'men r', 'eceiv', 'ed mi', 'nimal', 'punis', 'hment', 'from', 'the p', 'resid', 'ing j', 'udge.', 'The', 'Don', 'is di', 'sappo', 'inted', 'in Bo', 'naser', 'a,', "who'd", 'avoid', 'ed', 'most ', 'conta', 'ct', 'with', 'the', 'Don', 'due', 'to Co', 'rleon', "e's n", 'efari', 'ous b', 'usine', 'ss de', 'aling', 's.', 'The', "Don's", 'wife', 'is go', 'dmoth', 'er to', 'Bonas', "era's", 'shame', 'd dau', 'ghter', ', a r', 'elati', 'onshi', 'p the', 'Don', 'uses', 'to ex', 'tract', 'new l', 'oyalt', 'y', 'from', 'the u', 'ndert', 'aker.', 'The', 'Don a', 'grees', 'to', 'have', 'his', 'men p', 'unish', 'the', 'young', 'men r', 'espon', 'sible', '(in a', 'non-l', 'ethal', 'manne', 'r) in', 'retur', 'n for', 'futur', 'e ser', 'vice', 'if ne', 'cessa', 'ry.']