MATLAB 支持各种数值类,包括有符号和无符号整数以及单精度和双精度浮点数。默认情况下,MATLAB 将所有数值存储为双精度浮点数。




MATLAB 提供以下函数来转换为各种数值数据类型 -

功能 目的
双倍的 转换为双精度数
单身的 转换为单精度数
整型8 转换为 8 位有符号整数
整型16 转换为 16 位有符号整数
整型32 转换为 32 位有符号整数
整型64 转换为 64 位有符号整数
uint8 转换为 8 位无符号整数
uint16 转换为 16 位无符号整数
uint32 转换为 32 位无符号整数
uint64 转换为 64 位无符号整数


创建一个脚本文件并输入以下代码 -

x = single([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = double([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = int8([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = int16([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = int32([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = int64([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5

当您运行该文件时,它会显示以下结果 -

x =

   39.900   26.025   47.100

x =

   39.900   26.025   47.100

x =

   38  23  45

x =

   38  23  45

x =

   38  23  45

x =

   38  23  45


让我们再扩展一下前面的例子。创建一个脚本文件并输入以下代码 -

x = int32([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = int64([5.32 3.47 6.28]) .* 7.5
x = num2cell(x)

当您运行该文件时,它会显示以下结果 -

x =

   38  23  45

x =

   38  23  45

x = 
   [1,1] = 38
   [1,2] = 23
   [1,3] = 45



这两个函数都采用整数数据类型作为参数,例如 intmax(int8) 或 intmin(int64),并返回可以用整数数据类型表示的最大值和最小值。


以下示例说明如何获取整数的最小值和最大值。创建一个脚本文件并在其中写入以下代码 -

% displaying the smallest and largest signed integer data
str = 'The range for int8 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('int8'), intmax('int8'))

str = 'The range for int16 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('int16'), intmax('int16'))

str = 'The range for int32 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('int32'), intmax('int32'))

str = 'The range for int64 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('int64'), intmax('int64'))
% displaying the smallest and largest unsigned integer data
str = 'The range for uint8 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('uint8'), intmax('uint8'))

str = 'The range for uint16 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('uint16'), intmax('uint16'))

str = 'The range for uint32 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('uint32'), intmax('uint32'))

str = 'The range for uint64 is:\n\t%d to %d ';
sprintf(str, intmin('uint64'), intmax('uint64'))

当您运行该文件时,它会显示以下结果 -

ans = The range for int8 is:
	-128 to 127 
ans = The range for int16 is:
	-32768 to 32767 
ans = The range for int32 is:
	-2147483648 to 2147483647 
ans = The range for int64 is:
	0 to 0 
ans = The range for uint8 is:
	0 to 255 
ans = The range for uint16 is:
	0 to 65535 
ans = The range for uint32 is:
	0 to -1 
ans = The range for uint64 is:
	0 to 18446744073709551616 





以下示例说明如何获取最小和最大浮点数。创建一个脚本文件并在其中写入以下代码 -

% displaying the smallest and largest single-precision 
% floating point number
str = 'The range for single is:\n\t%g to %g and\n\t %g to  %g';
sprintf(str, -realmax('single'), -realmin('single'), ...
   realmin('single'), realmax('single'))

% displaying the smallest and largest double-precision 
% floating point number
str = 'The range for double is:\n\t%g to %g and\n\t %g to  %g';
sprintf(str, -realmax('double'), -realmin('double'), ...
   realmin('double'), realmax('double'))

当您运行该文件时,它会显示以下结果 -

ans = The range for single is:                                                  
        -3.40282e+38 to -1.17549e-38 and                                        
         1.17549e-38 to  3.40282e+38                                            
ans = The range for double is:                                                  
        -1.79769e+308 to -2.22507e-308 and                                      
         2.22507e-308 to  1.79769e+308