- Python MongoDB Tutorial
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- Python MongoDB - Create Collection
- Python MongoDB - Insert Document
- Python MongoDB - Find
- Python MongoDB - Query
- Python MongoDB - Sort
- Python MongoDB - Delete Document
- Python MongoDB - Drop Collection
- Python MongoDB - Update
- Python MongoDB - Limit
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Python MongoDB - 排序
对于此方法,您可以传递字段和排序顺序(1 或 -1)。其中,1为升序,-1为降序。
假设我们创建了一个集合并向其中插入了 5 个文档,如下所示 -
> use testDB switched to db testDB > db.createCollection("myColl") { "ok" : 1 } > data = [ ... {"_id": "1001", "name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"}, ... {"_id": "1002", "name": "Rahim", "age": 27, "city": "Bangalore"}, ... {"_id": "1003", "name": "Robert", "age": 28, "city": "Mumbai"}, ... {"_id": "1004", "name": "Romeo", "age": 25, "city": "Pune"}, ... {"_id": "1005", "name": "Sarmista", "age": 23, "city": "Delhi"}, ... {"_id": "1006", "name": "Rasajna", "age": 26, "city": "Chennai"} ] > db.sample.insert(data) BulkWriteResult({ "writeErrors" : [ ], "writeConcernErrors" : [ ], "nInserted" : 6, "nUpserted" : 0, "nMatched" : 0, "nModified" : 0, "nRemoved" : 0, "upserted" : [ ] })
> db.sample.find().sort({age:1}) { "_id" : "1005", "name" : "Sarmista", "age" : 23, "city" : "Delhi" } { "_id" : "1004", "name" : "Romeo", "age" : 25, "city" : "Pune" } { "_id" : "1006", "name" : "Rasajna", "age" : 26, "city" : "Chennai" } { "_id" : "1002", "name" : "Rahim", "age" : 27, "city" : "Bangalore" } { "_id" : "1003", "name" : "Robert", "age" : 28, "city" : "Mumbai" } { "_id" : "1001", "name" : "Ram", "age" : "26", "city" : "Hyderabad" }
使用 Python 对文档进行排序
要按升序或降序对查询结果进行排序,pymongo 提供了sort()方法。向此方法传递一个数值,表示结果中所需的文档数量。
默认情况下,此方法根据指定字段按升序对文档进行排序。如果您需要按降序排序,请传递 -1 和字段名称 -
以下示例检索根据年龄值升序排列的集合的所有文档 -
from pymongo import MongoClient #Creating a pymongo client client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) #Getting the database instance db = client['b_mydb'] #Creating a collection coll = db['myColl'] #Inserting document into a collection data = [ {"_id": "1001", "name": "Ram", "age": "26", "city": "Hyderabad"}, {"_id": "1002", "name": "Rahim", "age": "27", "city": "Bangalore"}, {"_id": "1003", "name": "Robert", "age": "28", "city": "Mumbai"}, {"_id": "1004", "name": "Romeo", "age": 25, "city": "Pune"}, {"_id": "1005", "name": "Sarmista", "age": 23, "city": "Delhi"}, {"_id": "1006", "name": "Rasajna", "age": 26, "city": "Chennai"} ] res = coll.insert_many(data) print("Data inserted ......") #Retrieving first 3 documents using the find() and limit() methods print("List of documents (sorted in ascending order based on age): ") for doc1 in coll.find().sort("age"): print(doc1)
Data inserted ...... List of documents (sorted in ascending order based on age): {'_id': '1005', 'name': 'Sarmista', 'age': 23, 'city': 'Delhi'} {'_id': '1004', 'name': 'Romeo', 'age': 25, 'city': 'Pune'} {'_id': '1006', 'name': 'Rasajna', 'age': 26, 'city': 'Chennai'} {'_id': '1001', 'name': 'Ram', 'age': '26', 'city': 'Hyderabad'} {'_id': '1002', 'name': 'Rahim', 'age': '27', 'city': 'Bangalore'} {'_id': '1003', 'name': 'Robert', 'age': '28', 'city': 'Mumbai'}