![SAP UI5教程](/sap_ui5/images/sap-ui5-mini-logo.jpg)
- SAP UI5教程
- SAP UI5 - 主页
- SAP UI5 - 概述
- SAP UI5 - 架构
- SAP UI5 - 关键组件
- SAP UI5 - 控制库
- SAP UI5 - 开发套件
- SAP UI5 - MVC 概念
- SAP UI5 - 视图
- SAP UI5 - 开发人员工作室
- SAP UI5 - 创建 UI5 项目
- SAP UI5 - 控件
- SAP UI5 - 数据绑定
- SAP UI5 - 设计模式
- SAP UI5 - 模块化
- SAP UI5 - 本地化
- SAP UI5 - 记事本控件
- SAP UI5 - 扩展应用程序
- SAP UI5 - 主题
- SAP UI5 - 移动
- 在 Web IDE 中创建项目
- SAP UI5 有用资源
- SAP UI5 - 快速指南
- SAP UI5 - 有用的资源
- SAP UI5 - 讨论
SAP UI5 - Mobile
SAP UI5 applications run on different mobile devices like iPad and smartphones. However, for better user experience, you need to control the appearance, touch interactions, and various other UI parameters.
UI5 contains a control library sap.m that supports application development for mobile devices and supports all key concepts like data binding, MVC, etc.
Key Features
- Platform support for Android, iOS, BlackBerry
- It contains 40 controls
- Webkit browsers - Google Chrome
- UI5 concepts - MVC, localization, modularization, etc.
![Key Features](/sap_ui5/images/key_features.jpg)