- 快速教程
- 斯威夫特 - 主页
- 斯威夫特 - 概述
- Swift - 环境
- Swift - 基本语法
- Swift - 数据类型
- Swift - 变量
- Swift - 可选
- Swift - 元组
- Swift - 常量
- Swift - 文字
- Swift - 运算符
- Swift - 决策
- Swift - 循环
- Swift - 字符串
- 斯威夫特 - 角色
- Swift - 数组
- Swift - 套装
- 斯威夫特 - 字典
- Swift - 函数
- Swift - 闭包
- Swift - 枚举
- Swift - 结构
- Swift - 类
- Swift - 属性
- Swift - 方法
- Swift - 下标
- Swift - 继承
- Swift - 初始化
- Swift - 去初始化
- Swift - ARC 概述
- Swift - 可选链接
- Swift - 类型转换
- Swift - 扩展
- Swift - 协议
- Swift - 泛型
- Swift - 访问控制
- 斯威夫特有用的资源
- Swift - 在线编译
- Swift - 快速指南
- Swift - 有用的资源
- 斯威夫特 - 讨论
Swift - 协议
协议也遵循与类、结构和枚举类似的语法 -
protocol SomeProtocol { // protocol definition }
struct SomeStructure: Protocol1, Protocol2 { // structure definition }
class SomeClass: SomeSuperclass, Protocol1, Protocol2 { // class definition }
属性要求由“var”关键字声明为属性变量。{get set} 用于在类型声明后声明可获取和可设置的属性。Gettable 在其类型声明之后由 {get} 属性提及。
protocol classa { var marks: Int { get set } var result: Bool { get } func attendance() -> String func markssecured() -> String } protocol classb: classa { var present: Bool { get set } var subject: String { get set } var stname: String { get set } } class classc: classb { var marks = 96 let result = true var present = false var subject = "Swift 4 Protocols" var stname = "Protocols" func attendance() -> String { return "The \(stname) has secured 99% attendance" } func markssecured() -> String { return "\(stname) has scored \(marks)" } } let studdet = classc() studdet.stname = "Swift 4" studdet.marks = 98 studdet.markssecured() print(studdet.marks) print(studdet.result) print(studdet.present) print(studdet.subject) print(studdet.stname)
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
98 true false Swift 4 Protocols Swift 4
protocol daysofaweek { mutating func print() } enum days: daysofaweek { case sun, mon, tue, wed, thurs, fri, sat mutating func print() { switch self { case sun: self = sun print("Sunday") case mon: self = mon print("Monday") case tue: self = tue print("Tuesday") case wed: self = wed print("Wednesday") case mon: self = thurs print("Thursday") case tue: self = fri print("Friday") case sat: self = sat print("Saturday") default: print("NO Such Day") } } } var res = days.wed res.print()
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
Swing 允许用户初始化协议以遵循与普通初始化程序类似的类型一致性。
protocol SomeProtocol { init(someParameter: Int) }
protocol tcpprotocol { init(aprot: Int) }
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol { required init(someParameter: Int) { // initializer implementation statements } } protocol tcpprotocol { init(aprot: Int) } class tcpClass: tcpprotocol { required init(aprot: Int) { } }
protocol tcpprotocol { init(no1: Int) } class mainClass { var no1: Int // local storage init(no1: Int) { self.no1 = no1 // initialization } } class subClass: mainClass, tcpprotocol { var no2: Int init(no1: Int, no2 : Int) { self.no2 = no2 super.init(no1:no1) } // Requires only one parameter for convenient method required override convenience init(no1: Int) { self.init(no1:no1, no2:0) } } let res = mainClass(no1: 20) let print = subClass(no1: 30, no2: 50) print("res is: \(res.no1)") print("res is: \(print.no1)") print("res is: \(print.no2)")
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
res is: 20 res is: 30 res is: 50
协议可以作为类型访问 -
protocol Generator { typealias members func next() -> members? } var items = [10,20,30].generate() while let x = items.next() { print(x) } for lists in map([1,2,3], {i in i*5}) { print(lists) } print([100,200,300]) print(map([1,2,3], {i in i*10}))
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
10 20 30 5 10 15 [100, 200, 300] [10, 20, 30]
protocol AgeClasificationProtocol { var age: Int { get } func agetype() -> String } class Person { let firstname: String let lastname: String var age: Int init(firstname: String, lastname: String) { self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname self.age = 10 } } extension Person : AgeClasificationProtocol { func fullname() -> String { var c: String c = firstname + " " + lastname return c } func agetype() -> String { switch age { case 0...2: return "Baby" case 2...12: return "Child" case 13...19: return "Teenager" case let x where x > 65: return "Elderly" default: return "Normal" } } }
Swift 4 允许协议从其定义的属性继承属性。它与类继承类似,但可以选择列出多个继承协议,并用逗号分隔。
protocol classa { var no1: Int { get set } func calc(sum: Int) } protocol result { func print(target: classa) } class student2: result { func print(target: classa) { target.calc(sum: 1) } } class classb: result { func print(target: classa) { target.calc(sum: 5) } } class student: classa { var no1: Int = 10 func calc(sum: Int) { no1 -= sum print("Student attempted \(sum) times to pass") if no1 <= 0 { print("Student is absent for exam") } } } class Player { var stmark: result! init(stmark: result) { self.stmark = stmark } func print(target: classa) { stmark.print(target: target) } } var marks = Player(stmark: student2()) var marksec = student() marks.print(target: marksec) marks.print(target: marksec) marks.print(target: marksec) marks.stmark = classb() marks.print(target: marksec) marks.print(target: marksec) marks.print(target: marksec)
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
Student attempted 1 times to pass Student attempted 1 times to pass Student attempted 1 times to pass Student attempted 5 times to pass Student attempted 5 times to pass Student is absent for exam Student attempted 5 times to pass Student is absent for exam
protocol tcpprotocol { init(no1: Int) } class mainClass { var no1: Int // local storage init(no1: Int) { self.no1 = no1 // initialization } } class subClass: mainClass, tcpprotocol { var no2: Int init(no1: Int, no2 : Int) { self.no2 = no2 super.init(no1:no1) } // Requires only one parameter for convenient method required override convenience init(no1: Int) { self.init(no1:no1, no2:0) } } let res = mainClass(no1: 20) let print = subClass(no1: 30, no2: 50) print("res is: \(res.no1)") print("res is: \(print.no1)") print("res is: \(print.no2)")
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
res is: 20 res is: 30 res is: 50
Swift 4 允许借助协议组合同时调用多个协议。
protocol<SomeProtocol, AnotherProtocol>
protocol stname { var name: String { get } } protocol stage { var age: Int { get } } struct Person: stname, stage { var name: String var age: Int } func print(celebrator: stname & stage) { print("\(celebrator.name) is \(celebrator.age) years old") } let studname = Person(name: "Priya", age: 21) print(studname) let stud = Person(name: "Rehan", age: 29) print(stud) let student = Person(name: "Roshan", age: 19) print(student)
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
Person(name: "Priya", age: 21) Person(name: "Rehan", age: 29) Person(name: "Roshan", age: 19)
如果实例符合协议标准,则 is 运算符返回 true;如果失败,则返回 false。
作为?向下转型运算符的版本返回协议类型的可选值,如果实例不符合该协议,则该值为 nil。
向下转型运算符的 as 版本会强制向下转型为协议类型,如果向下转型不成功,则会触发运行时错误。
import Foundation @objc protocol rectangle { var area: Double { get } } @objc class Circle: rectangle { let pi = 3.1415927 var radius: Double var area: Double { return pi * radius * radius } init(radius: Double) { self.radius = radius } } @objc class result: rectangle { var area: Double init(area: Double) { self.area = area } } class sides { var rectsides: Int init(rectsides: Int) { self.rectsides = rectsides } } let objects: [AnyObject] = [Circle(radius: 2.0),result(area:198),sides(rectsides: 4)] for object in objects { if let objectWithArea = object as? rectangle { print("Area is \(objectWithArea.area)") } else { print("Rectangle area is not defined") } }
当我们使用 Playground 运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -
Area is 12.5663708 Area is 198.0 Rectangle area is not defined