Arduino - 鼠标按钮控制

使用鼠标库,您可以使用 Arduino Leonardo、Micro 或 Due 控制计算机的屏幕光标。

此特定示例使用五个按钮来移动屏幕上的光标。其中四个按钮是方向性的(上、下、左、右),一个用于单击鼠标左键。Arduino 的光标移动始终是相对的。每次读取输入时,光标的位置都会相对于其当前位置进行更新。

每当按下方向按钮之一时,Arduino 就会移动鼠标,将 HIGH 输入映射到适当方向上的 5 范围。



您将需要以下组件 -

  • 1 × 面包板
  • 1 × Arduino Leonardo、Micro 或 Due 板
  • 5×10k欧姆电阻
  • 5 × 瞬时按钮





在计算机上打开 Arduino IDE 软件。使用 Arduino 语言进行编码将控制您的电路。单击“新建”打开一个新的草图文件。

对于本示例,您需要使用 Arduino IDE 1.6.7



   Button Mouse Control
   For Leonardo and Due boards only .Controls the mouse from 
   five pushbuttons on an Arduino Leonardo, Micro or Due.
   * 5 pushbuttons attached to D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
   The mouse movement is always relative. This sketch reads
   four pushbuttons, and uses them to set the movement of the mouse.
   WARNING: When you use the Mouse.move() command, the Arduino takes
   over your mouse! Make sure you have control before you use the mouse commands.

#include "Mouse.h"
// set pin numbers for the five buttons:
const int upButton = 2;
const int downButton = 3;
const int leftButton = 4;
const int rightButton = 5;
const int mouseButton = 6;
int range = 5; // output range of X or Y movement; affects movement speed
int responseDelay = 10; // response delay of the mouse, in ms

void setup() {
   // initialize the buttons' inputs:
   pinMode(upButton, INPUT);
   pinMode(downButton, INPUT);
   pinMode(leftButton, INPUT);
   pinMode(rightButton, INPUT);
   pinMode(mouseButton, INPUT);
   // initialize mouse control:

void loop() {
   // read the buttons:
   int upState = digitalRead(upButton);
   int downState = digitalRead(downButton);
   int rightState = digitalRead(rightButton);
   int leftState = digitalRead(leftButton);
   int clickState = digitalRead(mouseButton);
   // calculate the movement distance based on the button states:
   int xDistance = (leftState - rightState) * range;
   int yDistance = (upState - downState) * range;
   // if X or Y is non-zero, move:
   if ((xDistance != 0) || (yDistance != 0)) {
      Mouse.move(xDistance, yDistance, 0);

   // if the mouse button is pressed:
   if (clickState == HIGH) {
      // if the mouse is not pressed, press it:
      if (!Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) {;
   } else {                           // else the mouse button is not pressed:
      // if the mouse is pressed, release it:
      if (Mouse.isPressed(MOUSE_LEFT)) {
   // a delay so the mouse does not move too fast:


使用 micro-USB 电缆将您的开发板连接到计算机。这些按钮连接到引脚 2 至 6 的数字输入。确保使用 10k 下拉电阻。