WebRTC - 文本演示
在本章中,我们将构建一个客户端应用程序,允许不同设备上的两个用户使用 WebRTC 相互发送消息。我们的申请将有两页。一个用于登录,另一个用于向另一用户发送消息。

要创建 WebRTC 连接,客户端必须能够在不使用 WebRTC 对等连接的情况下传输消息。这是我们将使用 HTML5 WebSockets 的地方 - 两个端点(Web 服务器和 Web 浏览器)之间的双向套接字连接。现在让我们开始使用 WebSocket 库。创建server.js文件并插入以下代码 -
//require our websocket library var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; //creating a websocket server at port 9090 var wss = new WebSocketServer({port: 9090}); //when a user connects to our sever wss.on('connection', function(connection) { console.log("user connected"); //when server gets a message from a connected user connection.on('message', function(message) { console.log("Got message from a user:", message); }); connection.send("Hello from server"); });
第一行需要我们已经安装的 WebSocket 库。然后我们在端口 9090 上创建一个套接字服务器。接下来,我们监听连接事件。当用户与服务器建立 WebSocket 连接时,将执行此代码。然后我们监听用户发送的任何消息。最后,我们向连接的用户发送一条响应“Hello from server”。
在我们的信令服务器中,我们将为每个连接使用基于字符串的用户名,以便我们知道向何处发送消息。让我们稍微改变一下我们的连接处理程序 -
connection.on('message', function(message) { var data; //accepting only JSON messages try { data = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { console.log("Invalid JSON"); data = {}; } });
这样我们只接受 JSON 消息。接下来,我们需要将所有连接的用户存储在某处。我们将使用一个简单的 Javascript 对象来实现它。更改文件的顶部 -
//require our websocket library var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; //creating a websocket server at port 9090 var wss = new WebSocketServer({port: 9090}); //all connected to the server users var users = {};
我们将为来自客户端的每条消息添加一个类型字段。例如,如果用户想要登录,他会发送登录类型消息。让我们定义它 -
connection.on('message', function(message) { var data; //accepting only JSON messages try { data = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { console.log("Invalid JSON"); data = {}; } //switching type of the user message switch (data.type) { //when a user tries to login case "login": console.log("User logged:", data.name); //if anyone is logged in with this username then refuse if(users[data.name]) { sendTo(connection, { type: "login", success: false }); } else { //save user connection on the server users[data.name] = connection; connection.name = data.name; sendTo(connection, { type: "login", success: true }); } break; default: sendTo(connection, { type: "error", message: "Command no found: " + data.type }); break; } });
如果用户发送带有登录类型的消息,我们 -
- 检查是否有人已使用此用户名登录。
- 如果是,则告诉用户尚未成功登录。
- 如果没有人使用此用户名,我们将用户名添加为连接对象的键。
- 如果命令未被识别,我们会发送错误。
以下代码是用于向连接发送消息的辅助函数。将其添加到server.js文件中 -
function sendTo(connection, message) { connection.send(JSON.stringify(message)); }
当用户断开连接时,我们应该清理其连接。当关闭事件被触发时,我们可以删除用户。将以下代码添加到连接处理程序 -
connection.on("close", function() { if(connection.name) { delete users[connection.name]; } });
成功登录后,用户想要呼叫另一个用户。他应该向其他用户提出要约以实现这一目标。添加报价处理程序 -
case "offer": //for ex. UserA wants to call UserB console.log("Sending offer to: ", data.name); //if UserB exists then send him offer details var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null){ //setting that UserA connected with UserB connection.otherName = data.name; sendTo(conn, { type: "offer", offer: data.offer, name: connection.name }); break;
case "answer": console.log("Sending answer to: ", data.name); //for ex. UserB answers UserA var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null) { connection.otherName = data.name; sendTo(conn, { type: "answer", answer: data.answer }); } break;
最后一部分是处理用户之间的 ICE 候选。我们使用相同的技术在用户之间传递消息。主要区别在于,每个用户候选消息可能以任意顺序多次发生。添加候选处理程序 -
case "candidate": console.log("Sending candidate to:",data.name); var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "candidate", candidate: data.candidate }); } break;
为了允许我们的用户与另一个用户断开连接,我们应该实现挂断功能。它还会告诉服务器删除所有用户引用。添加休假处理程序 -
case "leave": console.log("Disconnecting from", data.name); var conn = users[data.name]; conn.otherName = null; //notify the other user so he can disconnect his peer connection if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "leave" }); } break;
这还将向其他用户发送离开事件,以便他可以相应地断开对等连接。我们还应该处理用户从信令服务器断开连接的情况。让我们修改我们的关闭处理程序 -
connection.on("close", function() { if(connection.name) { delete users[connection.name]; if(connection.otherName) { console.log("Disconnecting from ", connection.otherName); var conn = users[connection.otherName]; conn.otherName = null; if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "leave" }); } } } });
以下是我们的信令服务器的完整代码 -
//require our websocket library var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; //creating a websocket server at port 9090 var wss = new WebSocketServer({port: 9090}); //all connected to the server users var users = {}; //when a user connects to our sever wss.on('connection', function(connection) { console.log("User connected"); //when server gets a message from a connected user connection.on('message', function(message) { var data; //accepting only JSON messages try { data = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { console.log("Invalid JSON"); data = {}; } //switching type of the user message switch (data.type) { //when a user tries to login case "login": console.log("User logged", data.name); //if anyone is logged in with this username then refuse if(users[data.name]) { sendTo(connection, { type: "login", success: false }); } else { //save user connection on the server users[data.name] = connection; connection.name = data.name; sendTo(connection, { type: "login", success: true }); } break; case "offer": //for ex. UserA wants to call UserB console.log("Sending offer to: ", data.name); //if UserB exists then send him offer details var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null) { //setting that UserA connected with UserB connection.otherName = data.name; sendTo(conn, { type: "offer", offer: data.offer, name: connection.name }); } break; case "answer": console.log("Sending answer to: ", data.name); //for ex. UserB answers UserA var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null) { connection.otherName = data.name; sendTo(conn, { type: "answer", answer: data.answer }); } break; case "candidate": console.log("Sending candidate to:",data.name); var conn = users[data.name]; if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "candidate", candidate: data.candidate }); } break; case "leave": console.log("Disconnecting from", data.name); var conn = users[data.name]; conn.otherName = null; //notify the other user so he can disconnect his peer connection if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "leave" }); } break; default: sendTo(connection, { type: "error", message: "Command not found: " + data.type }); break; } }); //when user exits, for example closes a browser window //this may help if we are still in "offer","answer" or "candidate" state connection.on("close", function() { if(connection.name) { delete users[connection.name]; if(connection.otherName) { console.log("Disconnecting from ", connection.otherName); var conn = users[connection.otherName]; conn.otherName = null; if(conn != null) { sendTo(conn, { type: "leave" }); } } } }); connection.send("Hello world"); }); function sendTo(connection, message) { connection.send(JSON.stringify(message)); }
首先,我们需要安装引导库。Bootstrap 是一个用于开发 Web 应用程序的前端框架。您可以访问http://getbootstrap.com/ 了解更多信息。创建一个名为“textchat”的文件夹。这将是我们的根应用程序文件夹。在此文件夹内创建一个文件package.json(管理 npm 依赖项是必要的)并添加以下内容 -
{ "name": "webrtc-textochat", "version": "0.1.0", "description": "webrtc-textchat", "author": "Author", "license": "BSD-2-Clause" }
然后运行npm install bootstrap。这将在textchat/node_modules文件夹中安装引导库。
现在我们需要创建一个基本的 HTML 页面。使用以下代码在根文件夹中创建一个index.html文件 -
<html> <head> <title>WebRTC Text Demo</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"/> </head> <style> body { background: #eee; padding: 5% 0; } </style> <body> <div id = "loginPage" class = "container text-center"> <div class = "row"> <div class = "col-md-4 col-md-offset-4"> <h2>WebRTC Text Demo. Please sign in</h2> <label for = "usernameInput" class = "sr-only">Login</label> <input type = "email" id = "usernameInput" class = "form-control formgroup" placeholder = "Login" required = "" autofocus = ""> <button id = "loginBtn" class = "btn btn-lg btn-primary btnblock"> Sign in</button> </div> </div> </div> <div id = "callPage" class = "call-page container"> <div class = "row"> <div class = "col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 text-center"> <div class = "panel panel-primary"> <div class = "panel-heading">Text chat</div> <div id = "chatarea" class = "panel-body text-left"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "row text-center form-group"> <div class = "col-md-12"> <input id = "callToUsernameInput" type = "text" placeholder = "username to call" /> <button id = "callBtn" class = "btn-success btn">Call</button> <button id = "hangUpBtn" class = "btn-danger btn">Hang Up</button> </div> </div> <div class = "row text-center"> <div class = "col-md-12"> <input id = "msgInput" type = "text" placeholder = "message" /> <button id = "sendMsgBtn" class = "btn-success btn">Send</button> </div> </div> </div> <script src = "client.js"></script> </body> </html>
您应该熟悉此页面。我们添加了引导css 文件。我们还定义了两个页面。最后,我们创建了几个文本字段和按钮来从用户获取信息。在“聊天”页面上,您应该会看到带有“chatarea”ID 的 div 标签,其中将显示我们的所有消息。请注意,我们添加了一个指向client.js文件的链接。
现在我们需要与我们的信令服务器建立连接。使用以下代码在根文件夹中创建client.js文件 -
//our username var name; var connectedUser; //connecting to our signaling server var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:9090'); conn.onopen = function () { console.log("Connected to the signaling server"); }; //when we got a message from a signaling server conn.onmessage = function (msg) { console.log("Got message", msg.data); var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); switch(data.type) { case "login": handleLogin(data.success); break; //when somebody wants to call us case "offer": handleOffer(data.offer, data.name); break; case "answer": handleAnswer(data.answer); break; //when a remote peer sends an ice candidate to us case "candidate": handleCandidate(data.candidate); break; case "leave": handleLeave(); break; default: break; } }; conn.onerror = function (err) { console.log("Got error", err); }; //alias for sending JSON encoded messages function send(message) { //attach the other peer username to our messages if (connectedUser) { message.name = connectedUser; } conn.send(JSON.stringify(message)); };
现在通过节点服务器运行我们的信令服务器。然后,在根文件夹中运行静态命令并在浏览器中打开页面。您应该看到以下控制台输出 -

下一步是使用唯一的用户名实现用户登录。我们只需将用户名发送到服务器,服务器就会告诉我们该用户名是否被占用。将以下代码添加到您的client.js文件中 -
//****** //UI selectors block //****** var loginPage = document.querySelector('#loginPage'); var usernameInput = document.querySelector('#usernameInput'); var loginBtn = document.querySelector('#loginBtn'); var callPage = document.querySelector('#callPage'); var callToUsernameInput = document.querySelector('#callToUsernameInput'); var callBtn = document.querySelector('#callBtn'); var hangUpBtn = document.querySelector('#hangUpBtn'); callPage.style.display = "none"; // Login when the user clicks the button loginBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) { name = usernameInput.value; if (name.length > 0) { send({ type: "login", name: name }); } }); function handleLogin(success) { if (success === false) { alert("Ooops...try a different username"); } else { loginPage.style.display = "none"; callPage.style.display = "block"; //********************** //Starting a peer connection //********************** } };
要启动与数据通道的对等连接,我们需要 -
- 创建 RTCPeerConnection 对象
- 在 RTCPeerConnection 对象内创建一个数据通道
将以下代码添加到“UI 选择器块” -
var msgInput = document.querySelector('#msgInput'); var sendMsgBtn = document.querySelector('#sendMsgBtn'); var chatArea = document.querySelector('#chatarea'); var yourConn; var dataChannel;
修改handleLogin函数 -
function handleLogin(success) { if (success === false) { alert("Ooops...try a different username"); } else { loginPage.style.display = "none"; callPage.style.display = "block"; //********************** //Starting a peer connection //********************** //using Google public stun server var configuration = { "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun2.1.google.com:19302" }] }; yourConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration, {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}); // Setup ice handling yourConn.onicecandidate = function (event) { if (event.candidate) { send({ type: "candidate", candidate: event.candidate }); } }; //creating data channel dataChannel = yourConn.createDataChannel("channel1", {reliable:true}); dataChannel.onerror = function (error) { console.log("Ooops...error:", error); }; //when we receive a message from the other peer, display it on the screen dataChannel.onmessage = function (event) { chatArea.innerHTML += connectedUser + ": " + event.data + "<br />"; }; dataChannel.onclose = function () { console.log("data channel is closed"); }; } };
如果登录成功,应用程序将创建RTCPeerConnection对象并设置onicecandidate处理程序,该处理程序将所有找到的icecandidates 发送到其他对等点。它还创建一个数据通道。请注意,在创建 RTCPeerConnection 对象时,如果您使用的是 Chrome 或 Opera,则构造函数中的第二个参数可选:[{RtpDataChannels: true}] 是必需的。下一步是向其他同行创建报价。一旦用户收到报价,他就会创建答案并开始交易 ICE 候选人。将以下代码添加到client.js文件 -
//initiating a call callBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { var callToUsername = callToUsernameInput.value; if (callToUsername.length > 0) { connectedUser = callToUsername; // create an offer yourConn.createOffer(function (offer) { send({ type: "offer", offer: offer }); yourConn.setLocalDescription(offer); }, function (error) { alert("Error when creating an offer"); }); } }); //when somebody sends us an offer function handleOffer(offer, name) { connectedUser = name; yourConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer)); //create an answer to an offer yourConn.createAnswer(function (answer) { yourConn.setLocalDescription(answer); send({ type: "answer", answer: answer }); }, function (error) { alert("Error when creating an answer"); }); }; //when we got an answer from a remote user function handleAnswer(answer) { yourConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer)); }; //when we got an ice candidate from a remote user function handleCandidate(candidate) { yourConn.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(candidate)); };
下一步是实现挂断功能。这将停止传输数据并告诉其他用户关闭数据通道。添加以下代码 -
//hang up hangUpBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { send({ type: "leave" }); handleLeave(); }); function handleLeave() { connectedUser = null; yourConn.close(); yourConn.onicecandidate = null; };
当用户单击“挂断”按钮时 -
- 它将向其他用户发送一条“离开”消息。
- 它将关闭 RTCPeerConnection 以及数据通道。
最后一步是向另一个对等方发送消息。将“单击”处理程序添加到“发送消息”按钮 -
//when user clicks the "send message" button sendMsgBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) { var val = msgInput.value; chatArea.innerHTML += name + ": " + val + "<br />"; //sending a message to a connected peer dataChannel.send(val); msgInput.value = ""; });

以下是整个client.js文件 -
//our username var name; var connectedUser; //connecting to our signaling server var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:9090'); conn.onopen = function () { console.log("Connected to the signaling server"); }; //when we got a message from a signaling server conn.onmessage = function (msg) { console.log("Got message", msg.data); var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); switch(data.type) { case "login": handleLogin(data.success); break; //when somebody wants to call us case "offer": handleOffer(data.offer, data.name); break; case "answer": handleAnswer(data.answer); break; //when a remote peer sends an ice candidate to us case "candidate": handleCandidate(data.candidate); break; case "leave": handleLeave(); break; default: break; } }; conn.onerror = function (err) { console.log("Got error", err); }; //alias for sending JSON encoded messages function send(message) { //attach the other peer username to our messages if (connectedUser) { message.name = connectedUser; } conn.send(JSON.stringify(message)); }; //****** //UI selectors block //****** var loginPage = document.querySelector('#loginPage'); var usernameInput = document.querySelector('#usernameInput'); var loginBtn = document.querySelector('#loginBtn'); var callPage = document.querySelector('#callPage'); var callToUsernameInput = document.querySelector('#callToUsernameInput'); var callBtn = document.querySelector('#callBtn'); var hangUpBtn = document.querySelector('#hangUpBtn'); var msgInput = document.querySelector('#msgInput'); var sendMsgBtn = document.querySelector('#sendMsgBtn'); var chatArea = document.querySelector('#chatarea'); var yourConn; var dataChannel; callPage.style.display = "none"; // Login when the user clicks the button loginBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) { name = usernameInput.value; if (name.length > 0) { send({ type: "login", name: name }); } }); function handleLogin(success) { if (success === false) { alert("Ooops...try a different username"); } else { loginPage.style.display = "none"; callPage.style.display = "block"; //********************** //Starting a peer connection //********************** //using Google public stun server var configuration = { "iceServers": [{ "url": "stun:stun2.1.google.com:19302" }] }; yourConn = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(configuration, {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}); // Setup ice handling yourConn.onicecandidate = function (event) { if (event.candidate) { send({ type: "candidate", candidate: event.candidate }); } }; //creating data channel dataChannel = yourConn.createDataChannel("channel1", {reliable:true}); dataChannel.onerror = function (error) { console.log("Ooops...error:", error); }; //when we receive a message from the other peer, display it on the screen dataChannel.onmessage = function (event) { chatArea.innerHTML += connectedUser + ": " + event.data + "<br />"; }; dataChannel.onclose = function () { console.log("data channel is closed"); }; } }; //initiating a call callBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { var callToUsername = callToUsernameInput.value; if (callToUsername.length > 0) { connectedUser = callToUsername; // create an offer yourConn.createOffer(function (offer) { send({ type: "offer", offer: offer }); yourConn.setLocalDescription(offer); }, function (error) { alert("Error when creating an offer"); }); } }); //when somebody sends us an offer function handleOffer(offer, name) { connectedUser = name; yourConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(offer)); //create an answer to an offer yourConn.createAnswer(function (answer) { yourConn.setLocalDescription(answer); send({ type: "answer", answer: answer }); }, function (error) { alert("Error when creating an answer"); }); }; //when we got an answer from a remote user function handleAnswer(answer) { yourConn.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer)); }; //when we got an ice candidate from a remote user function handleCandidate(candidate) { yourConn.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(candidate)); }; //hang up hangUpBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { send({ type: "leave" }); handleLeave(); }); function handleLeave() { connectedUser = null; yourConn.close(); yourConn.onicecandidate = null; }; //when user clicks the "send message" button sendMsgBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) { var val = msgInput.value; chatArea.innerHTML += name + ": " + val + "<br />"; //sending a message to a connected peer dataChannel.send(val); msgInput.value = ""; });