数据结构和算法 - 哈希表




散列是一种将一系列键值转换为一系列数组索引的技术。我们将使用模运算符来获取一系列键值。考虑一个大小为 20 的哈希表的示例,并且要存储以下项目。项目采用(键,值)格式。

  • (1,20)
  • (2,70)
  • (42,80)
  • (4,25)
  • (12,44)
  • (14,32)
  • (17,11)
  • (13,78)
  • (37,98)
先生。 钥匙 哈希值 数组索引
1 1 1%20=1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2
3 42 42% 20 = 2 2
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4
5 12 12% 20 = 12 12
6 14 14% 20 = 14 14
7 17 号 17% 20 = 17 17 号
8 13 13% 20 = 13 13
9 37 37% 20 = 17 17 号



先生。 钥匙 哈希值 数组索引 线性探测后,数组索引
1 1 1%20=1 1 1
2 2 2 % 20 = 2 2 2
3 42 42% 20 = 2 2 3
4 4 4 % 20 = 4 4 4
5 12 12% 20 = 12 12 12
6 14 14% 20 = 14 14 14
7 17 号 17% 20 = 17 17 号 17 号
8 13 13% 20 = 13 13 13
9 37 37% 20 = 17 17 号 18



  • 搜索- 搜索哈希表中的元素。

  • 插入- 在哈希表中插入一个元素。

  • delete - 从哈希表中删除一个元素。



struct DataItem {
   int data;
   int key;



int hashCode(int key){
   return key % SIZE;



struct DataItem *search(int key) {
   //get the hash
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
   //move in array until an empty
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
      if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key)
         return hashArray[hashIndex];
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;

   return NULL;        


#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10 // Define the size of the hash table
struct DataItem {
    int key;
struct DataItem *hashArray[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem pointers
int hashCode(int key) {
    // Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE;
struct DataItem *search(int key) {
    // get the hash
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

    // move in array until an empty slot is found or the key is found
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
        // If the key is found, return the corresponding DataItem pointer
        if (hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key)
            return hashArray[hashIndex];

        // go to the next cell

        // wrap around the table
        hashIndex %= SIZE;
    // If the key is not found, return NULL
    return NULL;

int main() {

    // Initializing the hash table with some sample DataItems
    struct DataItem item2 = {25}; // Assuming the key is 25
    struct DataItem item3 = {64}; // Assuming the key is 64
    struct DataItem item4 = {22}; // Assuming the key is 22

    // Calculate the hash index for each item and place them in the hash table

    int hashIndex2 = hashCode(item2.key);
    hashArray[hashIndex2] = &item2;
    int hashIndex3 = hashCode(item3.key);
    hashArray[hashIndex3] = &item3;

    int hashIndex4 = hashCode(item4.key);
    hashArray[hashIndex4] = &item4;

    // Call the search function to test it
    int keyToSearch = 64; // The key to search for in the hash table
    struct DataItem *result = search(keyToSearch);

    if (result != NULL) {
        printf("Key %d found, Value: %d\n", keyToSearch, result->key);
    } else {
        printf("Key %d not found.\n", keyToSearch);

    return 0;


Key 64 found, Value: 64
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 10 // Define the size of the hash table
struct DataItem {
    int key;
unordered_map<int, DataItem*> hashMap; // Define the hash table as an unordered_map

int hashCode(int key) {
    // Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE;

DataItem* search(int key) {
    // get the hash
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

    // move in the map until an empty slot is found or the key is found
    while (hashMap[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        // If the key is found, return the corresponding DataItem pointer
        if (hashMap[hashIndex]->key == key)
            return hashMap[hashIndex];

        // go to the next cell

        // wrap around the table
        hashIndex %= SIZE;

    // If the key is not found, return nullptr
    return nullptr;

int main() {

    // Initializing the hash table with some sample DataItems
    DataItem item2 = {25}; // Assuming the key is 25
    DataItem item3 = {64}; // Assuming the key is 64
    DataItem item4 = {22}; // Assuming the key is 22

    // Calculate the hash index for each item and place them in the hash table
    int hashIndex2 = hashCode(item2.key);
    hashMap[hashIndex2] = &item2;
    int hashIndex3 = hashCode(item3.key);
    hashMap[hashIndex3] = &item3;

    int hashIndex4 = hashCode(item4.key);
    hashMap[hashIndex4] = &item4;

    // Call the search function to test it
    int keyToSearch = 64; // The key to search for in the hash table
    DataItem* result = search(keyToSearch);

    if (result != nullptr) {
        cout << "Key " << keyToSearch << " found, Value: " << result->key << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "Key " << keyToSearch << " not found." << endl;

    return 0;


Key 64 found, Value: 64
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Main {
    static final int SIZE = 10; // Define the size of the hash table
    static class DataItem {
        int key;
    static HashMap<Integer, DataItem> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); // Define the hash table as a HashMap

    static int hashCode(int key) {
        // Return a hash value based on the key
        return key % SIZE;
    static DataItem search(int key) {
        // get the hash
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

        // move in map until an empty slot is found or the key is found
        while (hashMap.get(hashIndex) != null) {
            // If the key is found, return the corresponding DataItem
            if (hashMap.get(hashIndex).key == key)
                return hashMap.get(hashIndex);

            // go to the next cell

            // wrap around the table
            hashIndex %= SIZE;

        // If the key is not found, return null
        return null;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Initializing the hash table with some sample DataItems

        DataItem item2 = new DataItem();
        item2.key = 25; // Assuming the key is 25

        DataItem item3 = new DataItem();
        item3.key = 64; // Assuming the key is 64
        DataItem item4 = new DataItem();
        item4.key = 22; // Assuming the key is 22
        // Calculate the hash index for each item and place them in the hash table

        int hashIndex2 = hashCode(item2.key);
        hashMap.put(hashIndex2, item2);
        int hashIndex3 = hashCode(item3.key);
        hashMap.put(hashIndex3, item3);

        int hashIndex4 = hashCode(item4.key);
        hashMap.put(hashIndex4, item4);

        // Call the search function to test it
        int keyToSearch = 64; // The key to search for in the hash table
        DataItem result = search(keyToSearch);

        if (result != null) {
            System.out.println("Key " + keyToSearch + " found, Value: " + result.key);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Key " + keyToSearch + " not found.");


Key 64 found, Value: 64
SIZE = 10 # Define the size of the hash table
class DataItem:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
hashMap = {} # Define the hash table as a dictionary
def hashCode(key):
    # Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE

def search(key):
    # get the hash
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)

    # move in map until an empty slot is found or the key is found
    while hashIndex in hashMap:
        # If the key is found, return the corresponding DataItem
        if hashMap[hashIndex].key == key:
            return hashMap[hashIndex]

        # go to the next cell
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE

    # If the key is not found, return None
    return None
# Initializing the hash table with some sample DataItems
item2 = DataItem(25) # Assuming the key is 25
item3 = DataItem(64) # Assuming the key is 64
item4 = DataItem(22) # Assuming the key is 22
# Calculate the hash index for each item and place them in the hash table
hashIndex2 = hashCode(item2.key)
hashMap[hashIndex2] = item2

hashIndex3 = hashCode(item3.key)
hashMap[hashIndex3] = item3

hashIndex4 = hashCode(item4.key)
hashMap[hashIndex4] = item4

# Call the search function to test it
keyToSearch = 64 # The key to search for in the hash table
result = search(keyToSearch)

if result:
    print(f"Key {keyToSearch} found, Value: {result.key}")
    print(f"Key {keyToSearch} not found.")


Key 64 found, Value: 64



void insert(int key,int data) {
   struct DataItem *item = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));
   item->data = data;  
   item->key = key;     

   //get the hash 
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

   //move in array until an empty or deleted cell
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL && hashArray[hashIndex]->key != -1) {
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;
   hashArray[hashIndex] = item;        


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 4 // Define the size of the hash table
struct DataItem {
    int key;
struct DataItem *hashArray[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem pointers
int hashCode(int key) {
    // Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE;
void insert(int key) {
    // Create a new DataItem using malloc
    struct DataItem *newItem = (struct DataItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));

    if (newItem == NULL) {
        // Check if malloc fails to allocate memory
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");

    newItem->key = key;
    // Initialize other data members if needed

    // Calculate the hash index for the key
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

    // Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;

    // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem;
int main() {
    // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
    insert(42); // Insert an item with key 42
    insert(25); // Insert an item with key 25
    insert(64); // Insert an item with key 64
    insert(22); // Insert an item with key 22

    // Output the populated hash table
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hashArray[i] != NULL) {
            printf("Index %d: Key %d\n", i, hashArray[i]->key);
        } else {
            printf("Index %d: Empty\n", i);

    return 0;


Index 0: Key 64
Index 1: Key 25
Index 2: Key 42
Index 3: Key 22
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define SIZE 4 // Define the size of the hash table

struct DataItem {
    int key;
std::vector<DataItem*> hashArray(SIZE, nullptr); // Define the hash table as a vector of DataItem pointers
int hashCode(int key)
    // Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE;
void insert(int key)
    // Create a new DataItem using new (dynamic memory allocation)
    DataItem *newItem = new DataItem;

    newItem->key = key;
    // Initialize other data members if needed

    // Calculate the hash index for the key
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

    // Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;

    // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem;

int main()
    // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table

    insert(42); // Insert an item with key 42
    insert(25); // Insert an item with key 25
    insert(64); // Insert an item with key 64
    insert(22); // Insert an item with key 22

    // Output the populated hash table
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hashArray[i] != nullptr) {
            std::cout << "Index " << i << ": Key " << hashArray[i]->key << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Index " << i << ": Empty" << std::endl;
    return 0;


Index 0: Key 64
Index 1: Key 25
Index 2: Key 42
Index 3: Key 22
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main {
    static final int SIZE = 4; // Define the size of the hash table
    static class DataItem {
        int key;
    static DataItem[] hashArray = new DataItem[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem pointers
    static int hashCode(int key) {
        // Return a hash value based on the key
        return key % SIZE;
    static void insert(int key) {
        // Create a new DataItem
        DataItem newItem = new DataItem();
        newItem.key = key;
        // Initialize other data members if needed

        // Calculate the hash index for the key
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

        // Handle collisions (linear probing)
        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null) {
            // Move to the next cell
            // Wrap around the table if needed
            hashIndex %= SIZE;
        // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
        hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
        insert(42); // Insert an item with key 42
        insert(25); // Insert an item with key 25
        insert(64); // Insert an item with key 64
        insert(22); // Insert an item with key 22
        // Output the populated hash table
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
            if (hashArray[i] != null) {
                System.out.println("Index " + i + ": Key " + hashArray[i].key);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Index " + i + ": Empty");


Index 0: Key 64
Index 1: Key 25
Index 2: Key 42
Index 3: Key 22
SIZE = 4  # Define the size of the hash table
class DataItem:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
hashArray = [None] * SIZE  # Define the hash table as a list of DataItem pointers
def hashCode(key):
    # Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE

def insert(key):
    # Create a new DataItem
    newItem = DataItem(key)
    # Initialize other data members if needed
    # Calculate the hash index for the key
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)
    # Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None:
        # Move to the next cell
        hashIndex += 1
        # Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE

    # Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem
# Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
insert(42)  # Insert an item with key 42
insert(25)  # Insert an item with key 25
insert(64)  # Insert an item with key 64
insert(22)  # Insert an item with key 22
# Output the populated hash table
for i in range(SIZE):
    if hashArray[i] is not None:
        print(f"Index {i}: Key {hashArray[i].key}")
        print(f"Index {i}: Empty")


Index 0: Key 64
Index 1: Key 25
Index 2: Key 42
Index 3: Key 22



struct DataItem* delete(struct DataItem* item) {
   int key = item->key;

   //get the hash 
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

   //move in array until an empty 
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] !=NULL) {
      if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) {
         struct DataItem* temp = hashArray[hashIndex]; 
         //assign a dummy item at deleted position
         hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem; 
         return temp;
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;
   return NULL;        


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 5 // Define the size of the hash table
struct DataItem {
    int key;
struct DataItem *hashArray[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem pointers

int hashCode(int key) {
    // Implement your hash function here
    // Return a hash value based on the key
void insert(int key) {
    // Create a new DataItem using malloc
    struct DataItem *newItem = (struct DataItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));
    if (newItem == NULL) {
        // Check if malloc fails to allocate memory
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");

    newItem->key = key;
    // Initialize other data members if needed

    // Calculate the hash index for the key
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

    // Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;

    // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem;

    // Print the inserted item's key and hash index
    printf("Inserted key %d at index %d\n", newItem->key, hashIndex);
void delete(int key) {
    // Find the item in the hash table
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
        if (hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) {
            // Mark the item as deleted (optional: free memory)
            hashArray[hashIndex] = NULL;
            // Print the deleted item's key and hash index
            printf("Deleted key %d at index %d\n", key, hashIndex);
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;
    // If the key is not found, print a message
    printf("Item with key %d not found.\n", key);
int main() {
    // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table

    insert(1); // Insert an item with key 42
    insert(2); // Insert an item with key 25
    insert(3); // Insert an item with key 64
    insert(4); // Insert an item with key 22
    delete(2); // Delete an item with key 42
    delete(4); // Delete an item with key 25
    // Print the hash table's contents after delete operations
    printf("Hash Table Contents:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hashArray[i] != NULL) {
            printf("Index %d: Key %d\n", i, hashArray[i]->key);
        } else {
            printf("Index %d: Empty\n", i);
    return 0;


Inserted key 1 at index 1
Inserted key 2 at index 2
Inserted key 3 at index 3
Inserted key 4 at index 4
Deleted key 2 at index 2
Deleted key 4 at index 4
Hash Table Contents:
Index 0: Empty
Index 1: Key 1
Index 2: Empty
Index 3: Key 3
Index 4: Empty
#include <iostream>
const int SIZE = 5; // Define the size of the hash table
struct DataItem {
    int key;
struct DataItem* hashArray[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem pointers

int hashCode(int key) {
    // Implement your hash function here
    // Return a hash value based on the key
    // A simple hash function (modulo division)
    return key % SIZE;

void insert(int key) {
    // Create a new DataItem using new
    struct DataItem* newItem = new DataItem;
    newItem->key = key;
    // Initialize other data members if needed
    // Calculate the hash index for the key
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    // Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;
    // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = newItem;
    // Print the inserted item's key and hash index
    std::cout << "Inserted key " << newItem->key << " at index " << hashIndex << std::endl;
void deleteItem(int key) {
    // Find the item in the hash table
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        if (hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) {
            // Mark the item as deleted (optional: free memory)
            delete hashArray[hashIndex];
            hashArray[hashIndex] = nullptr;

            // Print the deleted item's key and hash index
            std::cout << "Deleted key " << key << " at index " << hashIndex << std::endl;
        // Move to the next cell
        // Wrap around the table if needed
        hashIndex %= SIZE;
    // If the key is not found, print a message
    std::cout << "Item with key " << key << " not found." << std::endl;
int main() {
    // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
    insert(1); // Insert an item with key 42
    insert(2); // Insert an item with key 25
    insert(3); // Insert an item with key 64
    insert(4); // Insert an item with key 22
    deleteItem(2); // Delete an item with key 42
    deleteItem(4); // Delete an item with key 25
    // Print the hash table's contents after delete operations
    std::cout << "Hash Table Contents:" << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hashArray[i] != nullptr) {
            std::cout << "Index " << i << ": Key " << hashArray[i]->key << std::endl;
        } else {
            std::cout << "Index " << i << ": Empty" << std::endl;
    return 0;


Inserted key 1 at index 1
Inserted key 2 at index 2
Inserted key 3 at index 3
Inserted key 4 at index 4
Deleted key 2 at index 2
Deleted key 4 at index 4
Hash Table Contents:
Index 0: Empty
Index 1: Key 1
Index 2: Empty
Index 3: Key 3
Index 4: Empty
public class Main {
    static final int SIZE = 5; // Define the size of the hash table
    static class DataItem {
        int key;
        DataItem(int key) {
            this.key = key;
    static DataItem[] hashArray = new DataItem[SIZE]; // Define the hash table as an array of DataItem objects
    static int hashCode(int key) {
        // Implement your hash function here
        // Return a hash value based on the key
        return key % SIZE; // A simple hash function using modulo operator
    static void insert(int key) {
        // Calculate the hash index for the key
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        // Handle collisions (linear probing)
        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null) {
            // Move to the next cell
            hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;

        // Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
        hashArray[hashIndex] = new DataItem(key);

        // Print the inserted item's key and hash index
        System.out.println("Inserted key " + key + " at index " + hashIndex);
    static void delete(int key) {
        // Find the item in the hash table
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null) {
            if (hashArray[hashIndex].key == key) {
                // Mark the item as deleted (optional: free memory)
                hashArray[hashIndex] = null;

                // Print the deleted item's key and hash index
                System.out.println("Deleted key " + key + " at index " + hashIndex);
            // Move to the next cell
            hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
        // If the key is not found, print a message
        System.out.println("Item with key " + key + " not found.");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
        insert(1); // Insert an item with key 1
        insert(2); // Insert an item with key 2
        insert(3); // Insert an item with key 3
        insert(4); // Insert an item with key 4
        delete(2); // Delete an item with key 2
        delete(4); // Delete an item with key 4
        // Print the hash table's contents after delete operations
        System.out.println("Hash Table Contents:");
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
            if (hashArray[i] != null) {
                System.out.println("Index " + i + ": Key " + hashArray[i].key);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Index " + i + ": Empty");


Inserted key 1 at index 1
Inserted key 2 at index 2
Inserted key 3 at index 3
Inserted key 4 at index 4
Deleted key 2 at index 2
Deleted key 4 at index 4
Hash Table Contents:
Index 0: Empty
Index 1: Key 1
Index 2: Empty
Index 3: Key 3
Index 4: Empty
SIZE = 5  # Define the size of the hash table

class DataItem:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

def hashCode(key):
    # Implement your hash function here
    # Return a hash value based on the key
    return key % SIZE

def insert(key):
    global hashArray  # Access the global hashArray variable
    # Calculate the hash index for the key
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)

    # Handle collisions (linear probing)
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None:
        # Move to the next cell
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE

    # Insert the new DataItem at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = DataItem(key)

    # Print the inserted item's key and hash index
    print(f"Inserted key {key} at index {hashIndex}")

def delete(key):
    global hashArray  # Access the global hashArray variable
    # Find the item in the hash table
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None:
        if hashArray[hashIndex].key == key:
            # Mark the item as deleted (optional: free memory)
            hashArray[hashIndex] = None

            # Print the deleted item's key and hash index
            print(f"Deleted key {key} at index {hashIndex}")
        # Move to the next cell
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE

    # If the key is not found, print a message
    print(f"Item with key {key} not found.")

# Initialize the hash table as a list of None values
hashArray = [None] * SIZE

# Call the insert function with different keys to populate the hash table
insert(1)  # Insert an item with key 1
insert(2)  # Insert an item with key 2
insert(3)  # Insert an item with key 3
insert(4)  # Insert an item with key 4

delete(2)  # Delete an item with key 2
delete(4)  # Delete an item with key 4

# Print the hash table's contents after delete operations
print("Hash Table Contents:")
for i in range(SIZE):
    if hashArray[i] is not None:
        print(f"Index {i}: Key {hashArray[i].key}")
        print(f"Index {i}: Empty")


Inserted key 1 at index 1
Inserted key 2 at index 2
Inserted key 3 at index 3
Inserted key 4 at index 4
Deleted key 2 at index 2
Deleted key 4 at index 4
Hash Table Contents:
Index 0: Empty
Index 1: Key 1
Index 2: Empty
Index 3: Key 3
Index 4: Empty


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define SIZE 20
struct DataItem {
   int data;   
   int key;
struct DataItem* hashArray[SIZE]; 
struct DataItem* dummyItem;
struct DataItem* item;

int hashCode(int key) {
   return key % SIZE;
struct DataItem *search(int key) {
   //get the hash 
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);  
   //move in array until an empty 
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
      if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key)
         return hashArray[hashIndex]; 
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;
   return NULL;        
void insert(int key,int data) {
   struct DataItem *item = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));
   item->data = data;  
   item->key = key;

   //get the hash 
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

   //move in array until an empty or deleted cell
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL && hashArray[hashIndex]->key != -1) {
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;
   hashArray[hashIndex] = item;
struct DataItem* delete(struct DataItem* item) {
   int key = item->key;
   //get the hash 
   int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
   //move in array until an empty
   while(hashArray[hashIndex] != NULL) {
      if(hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) {
         struct DataItem* temp = hashArray[hashIndex]; 		
         //assign a dummy item at deleted position
         hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem; 
         return temp;
      //go to next cell
      //wrap around the table
      hashIndex %= SIZE;
   return NULL;        
void display() {
   int i = 0;
   for(i = 0; i<SIZE; i++) {
      if(hashArray[i] != NULL)
         printf(" (%d,%d)",hashArray[i]->key,hashArray[i]->data);
         printf(" ~~ ");
int main() {
   dummyItem = (struct DataItem*) malloc(sizeof(struct DataItem));
   dummyItem->data = -1;  
   dummyItem->key = -1; 
   insert(1, 20);
   insert(2, 70);
   insert(42, 80);
   insert(4, 25);
   insert(12, 44);
   insert(14, 32);
   insert(17, 11);
   insert(13, 78);
   insert(37, 97);
   item = search(37);
   if(item != NULL) {
      printf("Element found: %d\n", item->data);
   } else {
      printf("Element not found\n");
   item = search(37);

   if(item != NULL) {
      printf("Element found: %d\n", item->data);
   } else {
      printf("Element not found\n");


~~  (1, 20) (2, 70) (42, 80) (4, 25) ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  (12, 44) (13, 78) (14, 32) ~~  ~~  (17, 11) (37, 97) ~~ 
Element found: 97
Element not found
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define SIZE 20
struct DataItem {
    int data;
    int key;
std::vector<DataItem*> hashArray(SIZE, nullptr);
DataItem* dummyItem;
DataItem* item;
int hashCode(int key) {
    return key % SIZE;
DataItem* search(int key) {
    //get the hash 
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    //move in array until an empty 
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        if (hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key)
            return hashArray[hashIndex];
            //go to next cell
            //wrap around the table
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
    return nullptr;
void insert(int key, int data) {
    DataItem* item = new DataItem;
    item->data = data;
    item->key = key;
     //get the hash 
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    //move in array until an empty or deleted cell
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr && hashArray[hashIndex]->key != -1) {
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
    hashArray[hashIndex] = item;
DataItem* deleteItem(DataItem* item) {
    int key = item->key;
    int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
    while (hashArray[hashIndex] != nullptr) {
        if (hashArray[hashIndex]->key == key) {
            DataItem* temp = hashArray[hashIndex];
            hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem;
            return temp;
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
    return nullptr;
void display() {
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hashArray[i] != nullptr)
            std::cout << " (" << hashArray[i]->key << "," << hashArray[i]->data << ")";
            std::cout << " ~~ ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
    dummyItem = new DataItem;
    dummyItem->data = -1;
    dummyItem->key = -1;
    insert(1, 20);
    insert(2, 70);
    insert(42, 80);
    insert(4, 25);
    insert(12, 44);
    insert(14, 32);
    insert(17, 11);
    insert(13, 78);
    insert(37, 97);
    item = search(37);
    if (item != nullptr) {
        std::cout << "Element found: " << item->data << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Element not found" << std::endl;
    // Clean up allocated memory
    item = search(37);
    if (item != nullptr) {
        std::cout << "Element found: " << item->data << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Element not found" << std::endl;
    return 0;


~~  (1, 20) (2, 70) (42, 80) (4, 25) ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  (12, 44) (13, 78) (14, 32) ~~  ~~  (17, 11) (37, 97) ~~ 
Element found: 97
Element not found
public class HashTableExample {
    static final int SIZE = 20;
    static class DataItem {
        int data;
        int key;
        DataItem(int data, int key) {
            this.data = data;
            this.key = key;
    static DataItem[] hashArray = new DataItem[SIZE];
    static DataItem dummyItem = new DataItem(-1, -1);
    static DataItem item;
    static int hashCode(int key) {
        return key % SIZE;
    static DataItem search(int key) {
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null) {
            if (hashArray[hashIndex].key == key)
                return hashArray[hashIndex];

            hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
        return null;
    static void insert(int key, int data) {
        DataItem item = new DataItem(data, key);
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);

        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null && hashArray[hashIndex].key != -1) {
            hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
        hashArray[hashIndex] = item;
  static DataItem deleteItem(DataItem item) {
        int key = item.key;
        int hashIndex = hashCode(key);
        while (hashArray[hashIndex] != null) {
            if (hashArray[hashIndex].key == key) {
                DataItem temp = hashArray[hashIndex];
                hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem;
                return temp;

            hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE;
        return null;
    static void display() {
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
            if (hashArray[i] != null)
                System.out.print(" (" + hashArray[i].key + "," + hashArray[i].data + ")");
                System.out.print(" ~~ ");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        insert(1, 20);
        insert(2, 70);
        insert(42, 80);
        insert(4, 25);
        insert(12, 44);
        insert(14, 32);
        insert(17, 11);
        insert(13, 78);
        insert(37, 97);

        item = search(37);

        if (item != null) {
            System.out.println("Element found: " + item.data);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Element not found");

        item = search(37);

        if (item != null) {
            System.out.println("Element found: " + item.data);
        } else {
            System.out.println("Element not found");


~~  (1, 20) (2, 70) (42, 80) (4, 25) ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  (12, 44) (13, 78) (14, 32) ~~  ~~  (17, 11) (37, 97) ~~ 
Element found: 97
Element not found
SIZE = 20
class DataItem:
    def __init__(self, data, key):
        self.data = data
        self.key = key
# Initialize the hash array with None values
hashArray = [None] * SIZE
# Create a dummy item to mark deleted cells in the hash table
dummyItem = DataItem(-1, -1)
# Variable to hold the item found in the search operation
item = None
# Hash function to calculate the hash index for the given key
def hashCode(key):
    return key % SIZE
# Function to search for an item in the hash table by its key
def search(key):
    # Calculate the hash index using the hash function
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)
    # Traverse the array until an empty cell is encountered
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None:
        if hashArray[hashIndex].key == key:
            # Item found, return the item
            return hashArray[hashIndex]
        # Move to the next cell (linear probing)
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE

    # If the loop terminates without finding the item, it means the item is not present
    return None
# Function to insert an item into the hash table
def insert(key, data):
    # Create a new DataItem object
    item = DataItem(data, key)
    # Calculate the hash index using the hash function
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)
    # Handle collisions using linear probing (move to the next cell until an empty cell is found)
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None and hashArray[hashIndex].key != -1:
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE
    # Insert the item into the hash table at the calculated index
    hashArray[hashIndex] = item
# Function to delete an item from the hash table
def deleteItem(item):
    key = item.key
    # Calculate the hash index using the hash function
    hashIndex = hashCode(key)
    # Traverse the array until an empty or deleted cell is encountered
    while hashArray[hashIndex] is not None:
        if hashArray[hashIndex].key == key:
            # Item found, mark the cell as deleted by replacing it with the dummyItem
            temp = hashArray[hashIndex]
            hashArray[hashIndex] = dummyItem
            return temp
        # Move to the next cell (linear probing)
        hashIndex = (hashIndex + 1) % SIZE

    # If the loop terminates without finding the item, it means the item is not present
    return None
# Function to display the hash table
def display():
    for i in range(SIZE):
        if hashArray[i] is not None:
            # Print the key and data of the item at the current index
            print(" ({}, {})".format(hashArray[i].key, hashArray[i].data), end="")
            # Print ~~ for an empty cell
            print(" ~~ ", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Test the hash table implementation
    # Insert some items into the hash table
    insert(1, 20)
    insert(2, 70)
    insert(42, 80)
    insert(4, 25)
    insert(12, 44)
    insert(14, 32)
    insert(17, 11)
    insert(13, 78)
    insert(37, 97)

    # Display the hash table

    # Search for an item with a specific key (37)
    item = search(37)

    # Check if the item was found or not and print the result
    if item is not None:
        print("Element found:", item.data)
        print("Element not found")

    # Delete the item with key 37 from the hash table

    # Search again for the item with key 37 after deletion
    item = search(37)

    # Check if the item was found or not and print the result
    if item is not None:
        print("Element found:", item.data)
        print("Element not found")


~~  (1, 20) (2, 70) (42, 80) (4, 25) ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  (12, 44) (13, 78) (14, 32) ~~  ~~  (17, 11) (37, 97) ~~ 
Element found: 97
Element not found