网络理论 - 二端口网络

这里,一对端子 1 和 1' 代表一个端口。在这种情况下,我们只有一个端口,因为它是单端口网络。

如图所示,二端口网络中有四个变量V 1、V 2、I 1和 I 2 。其中,我们可以选择两个变量作为自变量,另外两个变量作为因变量。因此,我们将得到六对可能的方程。这些方程用自变量表示因变量。自变量的系数称为参数。因此,每对方程都会给出一组四个参数。
- Z参数
- Y参数
- T参数
- T'参数
- h 参数
- g 参数
通过将变量 V 1和 V 2视为相关变量并将 I 1和 I 2视为独立变量,我们将得到以下两个方程组。自变量 I 1和 I 2的系数称为Z 参数。
$$V_1 = Z_{11} I_1 + Z_{12} I_2$$
$$V_2 = Z_{21} I_1 + Z_{22} I_2$$
$$Z_{11} = \frac{V_1}{I_1}, \: when \: I_2 = 0$$
$$Z_{12} = \frac{V_1}{I_2}, \: when \: I_1 = 0$$
$$Z_{21} = \frac{V_2}{I_1}, \: when \: I_2 = 0$$
$$Z_{22} = \frac{V_2}{I_2}, \: when \: I_1 = 0$$
Z parameters are called as impedance parameters because these are simply the ratios of voltages and currents. Units of Z parameters are Ohm (Ω).
We can calculate two Z parameters, Z11 and Z21, by doing open circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two Z parameters, Z12 and Z22 by doing open circuit of port1. Hence, the Z parameters are also called as open-circuit impedance parameters.
Y parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering the variables I1 & I2 as dependent and V1 & V2 as independent. The coefficients of independent variables, V1 and V2 are called as Y parameters.
$$I_1 = Y_{11} V_1 + Y_{12} V_2$$
$$I_2 = Y_{21} V_1 + Y_{22} V_2$$
The Y parameters are
$$Y_{11} = \frac{I_1}{V_1}, \: when \: V_2 = 0$$
$$Y_{12} = \frac{I_1}{V_2}, \: when \: V_1 = 0$$
$$Y_{21} = \frac{I_2}{V_1}, \: when \: V_2 = 0$$
$$Y_{22} = \frac{I_2}{V_2}, \: when \: V_1 = 0$$
Y parameters are called as admittance parameters because these are simply, the ratios of currents and voltages. Units of Y parameters are mho.
We can calculate two Y parameters, Y11 and Y21 by doing short circuit of port2. Similarly, we can calculate the other two Y parameters, Y12 and Y22 by doing short circuit of port1. Hence, the Y parameters are also called as short-circuit admittance parameters.
T parameters
We will get the following set of two equations by considering the variables V1 & I1 as dependent and V2 & I2 as independent. The coefficients of V2 and -I2 are called as T parameters.
$$V_1 = A V_2 - B I_2$$
$$I_1 = C V_2 - D I_2$$
The T parameters are
$$A = \frac{V_1}{V_2}, \: when \: I_2 = 0$$
$$B = -\frac{V_1}{I_2}, \: when \: V_2 = 0$$
$$C = \frac{I_1}{V_2}, \: when \: I_2 = 0$$
$$D = -\frac{I_1}{I_2}, \: when \: V_2 = 0$$
T parameters are called as transmission parameters or ABCD parameters. The parameters, A and D do not have any units, since those are dimension less. The units of parameters, B and C are ohm and mho respectively.
通过将变量 V 2和 I 2视为相关变量并将 V 1和 I 1视为独立变量,我们将得到以下两个方程组。V 1和-I 1的系数称为T'参数。
$$V_2 = A' V_1 - B' I_1$$
$$I_2 = C' V_1 - D' I_1$$
T '参数是
$$A' = \frac{V_2}{V_1}, \: 当\: I_1 = 0$$
$$B' = -\frac{V_2}{I_1}, \: 当\: V_1 = 0$$
$$C' = \frac{I_2}{V_1}, \: 当\: I_1 = 0$$
$$D' = -\frac{I_2}{I_1}, \: 当 \: V_1 = 0$$
T'参数称为逆传输参数或A'B'C'D'参数。参数 A' 和 D' 没有任何单位,因为它们是无量纲的。参数 B' 和 C' 的单位分别为欧姆和姆欧。
我们可以通过端口 1 的开路来计算两个参数 A' 和 C'。同样,我们可以通过对 port1 进行短路来计算另外两个参数 B' 和 D'。
h 参数
通过将变量 V 1和 I 2视为相关变量并将 I 1和 V 2视为独立变量,我们将得到以下两个方程组。自变量 I 1和 V 2的系数称为h 参数。
$$V_1 = h_{11} I_1 + h_{12} V_2$$
$$I_2 = h_{21} I_1 + h_{22} V_2$$
h 参数是
$$h_{11} = \frac{V_1}{I_1},\: 当\: V_2 = 0$$
$$h_{12} = \frac{V_1}{V_2},\: 当\: I_1 = 0$$
$$h_{21} = \frac{I_2}{I_1},\: 当\: V_2 = 0$$
$$h_{22} = \frac{I_2}{V_2},\: 当\: I_1 = 0$$
h 参数称为混合参数。参数 h 12和 h 21没有任何单位,因为它们是无量纲的。参数h 11和h 22的单位分别为欧姆和姆欧。
通过将port2短路,我们可以计算出两个参数h 11和h 21 。同样,我们可以通过对port1进行开路计算得到另外两个参数h 12和h 22 。
h 参数或混合参数在晶体管建模电路(网络)中很有用。
g 参数
通过将变量 I 1和 V 2视为因变量,将 V 1和 I 2视为独立变量,我们将得到以下两个方程组。自变量 V 1和 I 2的系数称为g 参数。
$$I_1 = g_{11} V_1 + g_{12} I_2$$
$$V_2 = g_{21} V_1 + g_{22} I_2$$
$$g_{11} = \frac{I_1}{V_1},\: 当\: I_2 = 0$$
$$g_{12} = \frac{I_1}{I_2},\: 当\: V_1 = 0$$
$$g_{21} = \frac{V_2}{V_1},\: 当\: I_2 = 0$$
$$g_{22} = \frac{V_2}{I_2},\: 当 \: V_1 = 0$$
g参数称为逆混合参数。参数 g 12和 g 21没有任何单位,因为它们是无量纲的。参数g 11和g 22的单位分别是姆欧和欧姆。
通过对port2进行开路,我们可以计算出两个参数g 11和g 21 。同样,我们可以通过将port1短路来计算另外两个参数g 12和g 22 。